I'd like to meet:
Kisha and my mom
This is some information about the missing people in Argentina.There are 30,000 people missing,but not all of them were register to CONADEPhttp://www.yendor.com/vanished/vanished/vanished.mov
The book of the secrets by Deepak Chopra(if you didn't read this book yet.....do it!!! you will learn a lot )
Yes I have Heros (a few) the first one is my mother,she never stopped learning even with 4 children she worked ,went to college and studied till late at night. She stood next to us if we where sick or just to play, my mother started her career as a teacher, became a principal and ended up teaching at the University of Cordoba, Argentina; she had so many titles. Every summer she took us (2,4,6 & 8 years old) camping.....this was the best time in my life. Now my mother is 83 years old and she's still learning....takes italian language classes, yoga, salsa and teaches gardenning (I will post a pic of her garden here so you all can see what I'm talking about) She is my best friend, we can talk about everything..... even now that she's far from me i call her 3 to 5 times a week and we spend about an hour on the phone... My mother ended up with 5 kids, the oldest lives in Mexico, the second in Argentina, the third was my sister who is missing since she was 24 years old (bad time if you lived in Argentina in the years 1976/1983) the fourth one is me and the fifth one is in Italy....as you can see, we learned to be free.My other heros are my two daughters,they are such a brave kids.Both of them pass thru a lot things...suffering,comfronting unusual situations,trying to be stronger.I am very proud of them becouse their past stay behind and their present is their future.This are pictures of our country house where my mom sped hours in the garden.