FancyPantsPhotography profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey! My name is Jessica... I'm a photography student and I work part time... oh and don't forget about the partying that goes on.... HAHA! Well, check out my slideshows and let me know what you think....If you're in need of any pictures being taken, I have access to a studio and would be happy to help for free whenever I can. Well check out the blogs for the latest pics, sometimes I find old pictures and have an urge to put them up...function fbs_click() {u=location.href;t=document·title;'http://w'+encodeURIComponent(u)+'&t ='+encodeURIComponent(t),'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width= 626,height=436');return false;}.. " class="fb_share_button" ..="return fbs_click()" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;"Share ; I get myspace layouts at Get this layout

My Interests

photography music dancing singing spendin time with my friends/family

I'd like to meet:

some new people in London... anyone really....I've met you....but you stll inspire me.... check it out... peace 'n' love always... :)I'D LOVE TO MEET THE CARDIGANS---


just about anything... although my new neighbors have ruined country music for me.Top 4 Faves Would Have To Be: The Ozzman The Cardigans Blind Melon Tool wow...that's prolly not right...but it's the best i can think of right now. i really like acoustic melodies (hehe) and anything basically, as long as it makes me groove.


-requiem for a dream -brokedown palace -grease (yes i know i'm a nerd) -nightmare before christmas -blow -nacho libre...obviously -slc punk -trainspotting -any jay and silent bob flick (hehe...they make me chuckle) -drugstore cowboy -


don't watch too much TV and don't have cable even if i wanted to


my mother and grandmother

My Blog

PHOTOBLOG - casey in class on tuesday (5 pics)

Posted by FancyPantsPhotography on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 05:31:00 PST

PHOTOBLOG - dlb @ the last drop - march 2nd 2007

Here are some pics of the Dirty Love Band, (once again...hehe). Friday night @ the Last Drop here in London. They have a new song up on their site, so check em out, they are in my friends list somewh...
Posted by FancyPantsPhotography on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 03:23:00 PST

DirtyLoveBand - House party pics...ENJOY!

Here are the boys of the Dirty Love Band... couple weeks ago... ..">..">..">..">..">..">..">..">..">..">...
Posted by FancyPantsPhotography on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 08:53:00 PST

Aleisha - photo shoot - jan 25

First time in the big bad studio... it was fun.... not as easy as i thought... lots of work to do... can't wait for next time... we have to go at least twice a week from now on... gotta work on getti...
Posted by FancyPantsPhotography on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 03:15:00 PST

final plague PHOTOBLOG - jan 12 2007

Here's some pics I took at the embassy with aleisha last week. Her boyfriend, Ray, is the lead singer of FINAL PLAGUE...
Posted by FancyPantsPhotography on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 01:42:00 PST


Here are some more pics...still in sarnia at the show with fishface (my uncles band). Long time good buddies of fishface... here are the :THE CHOCOLATE ROBOTS...
Posted by FancyPantsPhotography on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 11:53:00 PST

RANDOM new PICTURES - photoblog

SOME MORE NEW PICTURES.... this is a lot more fun than i thought... enjoy and let me know what you think.... ...
Posted by FancyPantsPhotography on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 11:06:00 PST

FISHFACE - dec 2006 photoblog

First actual Photoblog... finally got the hang of it... these are pics of : FISHFACEDec 2006...
Posted by FancyPantsPhotography on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 11:00:00 PST

this just about sums it up....beautiful song....

Come away with me in the night Come away with me And I will write you a song Come away with me on a bus Come away where they can't tempt us With their lies I want to walk with you On a cloudy day In f...
Posted by FancyPantsPhotography on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 05:51:00 PST

NEW pictures (slideshow) DLB @ salt lounge

Here is a slideshow of the show last night... I had my new flash, getting used to it. The quality of the slideshow isn't the greatest but theres a lot more detail in the actual pictures. Let me know ...
Posted by FancyPantsPhotography on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 09:05:00 PST