Prepare for the truth. Dark as it may be...
Lemme C, Um, well... I'm an alien from the planet Planet who came to Earth about 2007 years ago in search of a human mate and your supply of fresh water. I have smoked down with Jesus, butt heads with The Devil, matched spells with Merlin, matched curses with Rasputin, fought the enemy in Viet Nam, and killed alongside Ed Gein. In 1666, I was a jester that was banished for bangin a farmers daughter with my earthen twin Kidd Electro, then beaten to death by a ruthless warlord that overthrough the king with the help of his new townsfolk, then half of my soul was trapped in the forest of the damned for 300 years before being rejoined in 1983 with the half I held onto. Then I was killed again and rebuilt as a robotic android cyborg, but I became the Anti-Hero due to my violent past and now I feel I must take over the world, but I keep getting foiled by that Legendary Mega-Matt and end up joining his party for the final battles. I like sex, mischief, mayhem, sex, violence, perversion, sex, long walks in hell, RPGs, sex, shovels, parties, sex, Horror Movies, Deatch Metal and more sex. My partner in crime and rhyme is Kidd Electro. My Ally/Arch Nemesis is Mega-Matt. My mythological cohort is Sasquatch. The Epitamy of my pain is Shnookie. The beat of my heart is Jilltacular. Add me and I won't burn down your village and unleash hordes of monsters into your field maps and dungeon areas!
QUOTE: I have found the darkness that once consumed me and have let it steal me away again. I fear that even if I were to find a way to bring back the light in my life, I would rather wallow in despair, just to avoid the pain of the darkness coming back again...
~Priest Omen
You scored as Jason Voorhees. You are Jason Voorhees. You werent liked much as a child. All you wanted was to let your Mom raise you right. However after you died a watery death in Camp Crystal Lake, your Mom tried to take revenge, in which she too died a horrible decapitation. Now you will go on forever, seeking revenge! You may have the highest kill count in horror, but you arent all bad. You just love your mother!
Jason Voorhees
Hannibal Lecter
Michael Myers
Freddy Krueger
Captain Spaulding
Buffalo Bill
Which Horror Killer are You?
created with
You call me "Cracker", "Honkey", "Whitey", "Gringo" and you think it's OK.
...But when I call you Kike, Towelhead, WOP, Camel Jockey, Gook, nigg or Chink you call me a racist.
-You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
-You have the United Negro College Fund.
-You have Martin Luther King Day.
-You have Black History Month.
-You have Cesar Chavez Day.
-You have Yom Hashoah
-You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
-You have the NAACP.
-You have BET.
-If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racist.
-If we had a White Pride Day... you would call us racist.
-If we had white history month... we'd be racist.
-If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be racist.
-If we had a college fund that only gave white students know we'd be racist.
-In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and would call us racist.
-Did you know that some high school students decided to make a club for only the white students because the other ethnicities had them... they all got sent to court for being racist but the african-american, Latino, and Asia clubs were not even questioned.
-You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
I am white.
I am proud.
But, you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists?
Now watch, I'll be a racist for posting this
So what? no one will re post this for fear of being called racist
Dear Editor: So many letter writers have based their arguments on how this land is made up of immigrants. Ernie Lujan for one, suggests we should tear down the Statue of Liberty because the people now in question aren't being treated the same as those who passed through Ellis Island and other ports of entry. Maybe we should turn to our history books and point out to people like Mr. Lujan why today's American is not willing to accept this new kind of immigrant any longer. Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United States, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New York and be documented. Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning English a primary rule in their new American households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home. They had waved good bye to their birth place to give their children a new life and did everything in their power to help their children assimilate into one culture. Nothing was handed to them. No free lunches, no welfare, no labor laws to protect them. All they had were the skills and craftsmanship they had brought with them to trade for a future of prosperity. Most of their children came of age when World War II broke out. My father fought along side men whose parents had come straight over from Germany , Italy , France and Japan . None of these 1st generation Americans ever gave any thought about what country their parents had come from. They were Americans fighting Hitler, Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan . They were defending the United States of America as one people. When we liberated France , no one in those villages were looking for the French-American or the German American or the Irish American. The people of France saw only Americans. And we carried one flag that represented one country. Not one of those immigrant sons would have thought about picking up another country's flag and waving it to represent who they were. It would have been a disgrace to their parents who had sacrificed so much to be here. These immigrants truly knew what it meant to be an American. They stirred the melting pot into one red, white and blue bowl. And here we are in 2006 with a new kind of immigrant who wants the same rights and privileges. Only they want to achieve it by playing with a different set of rules, one that includes the entitlement card and a guarantee of being faithful to their mother country. I'm sorry, that's not what being an American is all about. I believe that the immigrants who landed on Ellis Island in the early 1900's deserve better than that for all the toil, hard work and sacrifice in raising future generations to create a land that has become a beacon for those legally searching for a better life. I think they would be appalled that they are being used as an example by those waving foreign country flags. And for that suggestion about taking down the Statue of Liberty , it happens to mean a lot to the citizens who are voting on the immigration bill. I wouldn't start talking about dismantling the United States just yet. (signed) Rosemary LaBonte
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You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you! How Evil Are You?