I'll come at you like a Spider Monkey..

About Me

Hi......I'm Christina, I am 21 and have a 10 month old daughter,Celia, who is the the most awesomest baby in the whole damn universe (okay all mother's say that about their own kids okay and yes I made awesomest a word dammit)and If I am not spending my time with her I am either at work (oh yeah did I mention I finally got a job I like?) or hanging around the house with the crazies or hanging with ?Gump? or my best friend Ricky we recently discovered that the last 4 times we drank together we can both fight about nonsense then vomit on ourselves (okay this was just me I am still sorry about the cushions of your couch John)then call and ask each other what the hell happened the next day so needless to say we aren't Drankin Partnaz no more but he is still a cool mo'fo...anyways I like being a mommy it has it's perks and what nots but hey Celia, is like I already said, the awesomest baby in the world and her toothy little grins will make you love her instantly so beware she bites..I should know ... I guess that's pretty much it ....

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I'd like to meet: - Glitter Graphics Maker
Never Date a Cancer
Clingy, emotional, and very private - it's hard to escape a Cancer's clutches.
And while Cancer will want to know everything about you, they're anything but open in return.

Instead try dating: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Aquarius What Sign Shouldn't You Date?


Ultimate Survey (377 questions long)
time started: 2:08 a.m
full name: Christina Marie Wadford
nickname(s): Chrissy
birthday: December 15
where were you born: Dekalb General hospital
zodiac sign: Sagittarius
height: 5'4
weight: 140
hair color: Brown
eye color: Hazel
shoe size: 7 1/2
ring size: was a 7
skin type (freckles, tan, albino, etc.): freckles on my face
blood type: B-
grade: outta school for now
GPA: umm I dunno..
siblings: Robert(32)Jenny(30)John(28)Julie(r.i.p 22)Caitlin(15)
tattoos: Not yet
piercings: only my ears
hobbies: being with my baby and baking (lol)
color: Blue
food: steak (yum yum)
candy: Warheads
type of cheese: mozzerella
pizza topping: mushrooms & onions and ham & pineapple
salad dressing: Thousand island
sandwich: turkey
cereal: Honeycomb or Raisin Bran
fruit: Green Apples or Strawberry
vegetable: Broccoli and Carrots
berry: Strawberry,Blackberry,and raspberry's I like them all!
cake: Chocolate
book: Sideways stories from Wayside School
movie: Fried Green Tomatoes
magazine: Maxim
newspaper: Gwinnett Daily Post
tv show: Flavor of Love and Heroes
website: Myspace of freakin course
radio station: 107.9 and 105.3 (the buzz)
font: Billo
cartoon character: Fry from futurama
artist (painter): don't really have one
actor: The guy from the notebook!!
actress: Mary Louise Parker
cd: Not really listenin to too much right now
song: Don't have one at the moment
music group: Rehab
music type: open to all types
day of the week: Friday and Saturday
month: December
season: Winter and Summer
holiday: Halloween and Christmas
shampoo: Aussie or the Brunette products from John Frieda
conditioner: same as shampoo
number: 15
phrase: "Know your Fucking place Bitch"
store: Wally World
weather: Rainy and Sunny
restaurant: anything that has good sushi and Golden Corral
channel: Vh1,Logo(lol I know thanks John),Cartoon Network
teacher: Have to say Mrs. Kinsler 9my 1st grade teacher)
weekend activity: watching t.v and hanging out with Jeremy and Elayna and both my brothers and Amy
hangout: John's Room
house color: dirty white (lol)
sport to watch: do not really watch too many sports
sport to play: baseball
animal: Ferrets
flower: Roses of course!
guy's name: (if i was to have a little boy I'd name him this) Preston
girl's name: Annelise
board game: Monopoly
party game: (for the Gamecube) any of the Mario Parties (lol)
story from childhood: my bad car accident
body part: everything is falling apart on me since I have had Celia(lol)
have you ever
been on a train: Yes
been on a plane: No
been in a car accident: yes
caused a car accident: no
run into a wall: no
burned a potato chip: no can't say I have
almost burned the house down: yes
smoked: yes..
been drunk: yes
been high: yes lots of times 9 I really am not proud of this)
broken the law: yes
burned a cd (if yes, the one above is yes): yes millions
kissed someone of the opposite sex: yes
kissed someone of the same sex: yes
frenched an animal: what the hell F*ck No!
made out: with who?
had cyber sex: Uggh Hell no
gotten engaged: Yes twice
had an online relationship: No
been rejected by a crush: Yes
loved: Yes
made yourself cry to get out of trouble: Yes when I was younger
cried in public: yeah probably
cried over a movie: yes I admit it!
fallen asleep in a movie theater: almost (Brian I still do not remember going to see Bruce Almity we were soo trashed out on Xannies that was a minute ago)
given someone a bath: yes Celia everyday
been to a boarding school: No
been home-schooled: Yes
lost a valuable item: Yes in my anus ( if you've seen Eurotrip then you'll know what i am talking about)
bungee jumped: nope
skied: nope
met the president: nope
met a celebrity: yes
gotten a cavity: yes
shopped at abercrombie & fitch: yes
made a prank call: yes
skipped school: yes
faked sick to get out of school: yes
purchased something that you knew didn't fit: probably
climbed a tree: yes
fallen from a tree: no
broken a bone: yes my ankle
sprained anything: yes
passed out: yes when I was a kid watching the movie Silver Bullet
made yourself pass out: no
been to disney world: Yes
been to a theme park (not disney): Yes Six Flags
said i love you and meant it (not to a relative): Yes
made a model volcano (working model): no
made a clover leaf with your tounge: no
what did you do yesterday: probably not too much
memory you miss the most: lots of me and my sister Julie
memory you want to forget: Too Many
something you regretted after it was done: Lots
the last
song you heard: Do not remember
cd you bought: Rehab
thing you said: "Goodnight Mom"
time you cried: Earlier today
movie seen in a theater: The Grudge 2
thing you ate: Chocolate cookies with Reese's penaut butter chips
person who called: my Brother Robert
nail polish shade worn: pretty purple
time you showered: earlier today
person who complimented you: hmm probably Brian
at this moment
what are you listening to: the t.v
what are you wearing: pajamas
what are you thinking: how bad I need to go to bed
what are you scared of most: death
how many people are on your buddy list: 48
occupation: hopefully something great
marriage site: hmm I dunno yet
honeymoon: not too sure about this one either
place to live: I like it here just fine
kids: have just one maybe a boy in the next couple of years
car: just having one that runs would be nice
what are you doing tomorrow: taking Celia Trick or Treating with Januray, Miranda, Rose and the little ones
do you think george bush will be reelected: No it is already his 2nd term
will there be a wwIII: I have no idea
will politics ever be truthful: hate it all the same
will humanity snuff itself out: hmm probably
can the gov. be changed: don't care if it does
best friend: My fam and Brian and Ricky
funniest: they all can be funny
silliest: John
loudest: Brian
quietest: Michael
craziest: Robert
calmest: Jeremy
skinniest: Elayna (your lucky you skinny beeyotch)
best secret keeper: nobody in my damn family that's for sure
worst secret keeper: my family and Amy
the one you have but don't want: they wouldn't be my friend if i didn't want them to be duh!
smartest: Elayna (the only friend i have who doesn't smoke pot whoo hoo!!)
preppiest: Little Megan Cook
peppiest: John
most hyper: We all can be hyper at times
hottest: I don't really notice shit like this
weirdest: Michael
biggest pervert: Brian and my brother Rob
most annyoing: Ricky and Brian
shyest: Michael
most religious: Megan Cook
do you believe in
heaven: yes
hell: yes
angels: well yeah I guess
devil: yep
god: yes
buddha: why not?
aliens: yes
ghosts: yes
spirit (soul): yes
soulmates: no not really
reincarnation: In a weird sense yes
love at first sight: no
karma: yes in a way
love in general: yes
luck: yes
yourself: sometimes
who and when was your first crush: Robert Derrick when I was 12
any now: No
a celebrity crush: okay okay the guy from the Notebook
who do you want to be with right now: Celia
whos number do you want: I don't really care...
who do you want to kiss: No one
what is something you dont understand about the opposite sex: ohh god where do I began?
if you could go on a date with anybody, who would it be: Nobody
on scale of one to ten, how romantic are you: 5
first thing noticed about the opposite sex: attitude
what do you look for personality-wise: can be humorous and serious when appropriate
biggest turn on: this is not something I am going to reveal to everyone else
biggest turn off: too much acne and grungy teeth
something thay weat that turns you on: baggy pants (I know it's weird)
something they wear that turns you off: khaki shorts with pastey ass legs
the most romantic thing you want to happen to you: hmm anything romantic happening to me would be nice..
the most romantic thing that has happened to you: can't recall anything of the sort
what do you wear on a coffee date: I have never been on any damn coffee date? do freakin people actually have these?
is it right to flirt if you're taken: sure why the hell not
is cyber cheating: uhh stupidly yes
are eyes the passegeway to the soul: sure why not? I dunno
who would you like to take to the prom: well considering my dumbass never made it to one
do you want to hug somebody right now: just my sweet baby girl
do you know what an aphrodisiac is: yes
mellow: chilled out and laid back
melancholy: well if I could remove the weed resin that still remains lodge in my brain cells I'd be able to tell you what the hell melancholy means (lol)
the perfect date: shut the hell up there is no perfect anything
the perfect mate: definitly have mine yet
how m&m's are made: however the damn things are made the sure as hell are good
why manhole covers are round: who cares seriously
one or the other
coke/pepsi: Coke
sprite/7-up: Sprite
boxers/briefs: Boxers
gold/silver: silver
vanilla/chocolate: chocolate
flowers/candy: Candy
book/magazine: magazine
tv/radio: t.v
glass half empty/half full: hmm this is soo
democrat/republican: republican I guess
colored pencils/markers: colored pencils
coffee/tea: tea
sun/moon: like both all the same
day/night: both
hot/cold: hot
dog/cat: dog
button/zipper: zipper
cotton/feather pillow: feather
blue/purple: Blue
plumber/trashman: neither
jeans/shorts: jeans
long distance relationship/none: none
mechanical/regular pencil: regular
matt/ben: neither
that 70's show/simpsons: THAT 70'S SHOW
kelso/eric: eric
donna/jackie: donna
bart/lisa: bart
romeo/juliet: romeo
romantic comedy/thriller: thriller
nsync/bsb: neither
peanut butter/jelly: both
waffles/pancakes: well considering i worked at Ihop I don't really care for neither
letter/email: letter
florida/california: florida
pizza/burgers: burgers
hat/visor: visor for me
football/rugby: football
iceskating/blading: ice skating
movie at home/in theater: home
first thing you think of when you hear
yellow: crayon
red lipstick: slutty
socks: like golf socks
cowtipping: lame
moulin rouge: slutty
greenland: it's not Amsterdam
iceland: it's not amsterdam
harry potter: I like it
red: as in red the Fraggle?
blackberry: they are good
rose: I got a dozen when I had Celia
rooster: cock
taxes: they suck
bill clinton: hey he just got his weenie sucked who cares?
whipped cream: tasty
george w. bush: shithead
lollipops: yum yum
dreams: barely remember some of them
love: it sucks
guys: they suck too! (except some of them)
south park: that shits funny as hell
boy bands: for the "Still in the closet" fags
pengiuns: they are cute
girls: girls,girls,girls
thong: prefer themover granny panties
death: it sucks
spoons: I use this whenever I eat Cereal
junk mail: it sucks
dairy: Milk and Ice cream
panties: some nasty hoez don't wear them
your father: hung himself and was buried on Halloween
pizza: can taste good
britney spears: is a whorebag
vitamin: flintstones are good
are you
happy: yeah for right now
sad: no
religious: NO
bitchy: yeah I can be
messy: don't like to be
mad: no not as of right now
slacker: in someways
nerd: sure
bookworm: used to be
jock: no
preppy: no
selfish: yeah
giving: sometimes
obsessive: not really
violent: when I get crazy
calm: sometimes
peaceful: can be
mellow: can be
eccentric: can be
caring: yeah sometimes
untrustworthy: not anymore
loyal: to some yes
patriotic: no
perverted: sometimes
colorful: sometimes
artistic: no
what color is your jacket: blue
do you shave: yes my legs and some other unmentionable areas
where: where it is needed
what color is your razor: pink
what size is your bed: queen
what color crayon would you be: black
what are the last four digits of you phone number: none of your damn bitness
feelings on abortion: it is a females choice
how lond does it take you to shower: 15 minutes
what does your screenname mean: I love Celia
thoughts on blonde pop stars in general: they all aren't stupid
who so you trust the most: Not too many folks
is cussing a necessity in life: to me probably seems that way..
how about coffee: not right now
is the world screwed: yeah sure
what something you cant live without: coca-cola
what time did you fall asleep: haven't yet
know what 69 means: yep yep
how about 143: yep
can you live without a microwave: no
what do think about death: it sucks
where and when do you want to be married: not right now please
do you want to drop out of school: didn't want to no
why is the sky blue: honestly do not remember
what is a good trait about yourself: I can be optimistic
what do you always think about: Celia
what is wrong with your school: nothing
what is right with your school: nothing
how do you react to change: I adapt
do you talk to yourself: yes actually
what is your opinion on love: it sucks too
can you afford to lose weight: yes right now I need to!
what color would you dye your hair: blonde again
best thing anyones told you: .....
what is your reaction to someone telling you you're hot: ummkay whatever you must have not gotten ass in a long time
does being psycho appeal to you: yes
if you wrote a book, what would it be about: my sad sad life lol
what would you change your name to: wouldn't
longest crush lasted how long: 2 years
tme finished: 3:13
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The nightmare before christmas,fried green tomatoes, hoodwinked, batteries not included, old school, oh brother where art thou?, little nicky, Dogma, jay and silent bob strike back, Resident Evil(both of them) Robin Hood (the disney movie it kick's ass)The Date Movie, House of 1000 corpses, The devil's Rejects, Kill Bill vol.1 & 2, Mischeif 3000 (cannonball run and other mischeif movies), Spirited Away, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Day after Tomorrow, Man of the House,Saved!,Tank Girl,Bram Stroker's Dracula,Van Helsing,The Skeleton Key,The Wedding Crashers,The Goonies,Harry Potter (all of them),Lords Of Dogtown,Lemmony Snickets and the series of Unfourtunate events,Fools rush in,lord of the rings (all of 'em),Cry Baby,Romy and Michelle's highschool reunion,Be Cool, The 40 Year Old Virgin,Who Framed Roger Rabbit,The Long Kiss Goodnight,Edward Scissor Hands,Hitched,Spaceballs,Star Wars (every single one of 'em specially the old ones)Cash Money presents Baller Blocking,.......


Heroes, The surreal life fame game, I love New York,lost, survivor, and some other bullshit I cannot think of right now!MySpace Layouts


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You are fun loving and independent, and you don’t like any of your partners to get in the way of that. You enjoy having a lot of flings and short term relationships because you get bored in a long term one. In bed you are demanding of your partner. You want to have hot sex all of the time. You also like to experiment sexually, with different positions and fantasies. Sex matches: Aries, Leo, Libra
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