Established in 1998 under the name Boot Upside Yo Head Productions by Pedro Acosta aka Chopz with the purpose of giving local bands in the Puerto Rico hardcore,punk,ska and hip hop scenes,the opportunity to display their talents. By the year 2000 Stepdown began to book international bands in Puerto Rico the first being NYC Ska Legends, Stubborn All Stars and since then Stepdown has booked bands like No Innocent Victim,Stretch Arm Strong,The Young and the Useless,Bouncing Souls,Suicide Machines,King Django,Bloody Sunday,Sinai Beach,Figure Four,Walls Of Jericho,Hope Conspiracy,Die Young and has worked with other local underground promoters on Champion,Evergreen Terrace,Merauder and The Deal. Stepdown productions also has it's yearly Misfits Tribute/Costume party which is always a crowd favorite among other themed shows like the Skank n' Slam and Break n' Slam shows.