That's pleased to meet you in Japanese.
So my name is DEzi. Deseree to some, but mainly DEzi or DEzi DOO to everyone.
I live in Bakersfield California, but I come from North Hollywood.THE UPPER GHETTO. I'm twenty, but look 15. Maybe it's the braces , who knows! I'm 5'3, 5'4 with shoes, 5'345634345 with heels. I don't smoke, but I a tend to be a social drinker. I hit the parties, V.I.P, and shake my laffy taffy on the dancefloor bitch! Wait a min dough I am responsible, don't get me wrong, I have a job and I pay my bills. I go to school and just had a life changing expierence not too long ago. I've decided to major in Physical Therapy in hopes of one day becoming a Speech/Physical Therapist for the elderly. But, for right now, I'm just having fun living life the way I wanna. Why? Cause I DOO what I want!
I play Roller Derby!Yeah, I'ma pretty lil thing they say, but get me ina pair of skates and throw me in a pack of hardcore chicas, and I'm one tough cookie! And that is why I play Roller Derby for the Bakersfield Roller girls. So far I've been in the Jammer seat. We'll see in the upcoming season what postion shall be mine. Until then, I'm breaking in my name, DEzi VON DRoPyA. That's right DroPyA, so watch out the doo is tearing it up on the rink!
Rollergirls in the Bakersfield Caifornian!