~Iya~ profile picture


~~GoD WiLl mAk3 AwAY FoR m3~~

About Me

Do Value, aPPReCiaTe N TreSSuRe well d things u haf & dun haf.......~ Coz once it's GONE, it'll GONE 4sure......~ Life's Hard & Complicated, Dun make it worst.......sODELETE YESTERDAY (BAD), ENJOY TODAY (GOOD) AND READY FOR TOMORROW (HAPPY)

My Interests

*Loyal and generous *Patriotic *Active in games and interactions *Impatient and hasty *Ambitious *Influential in organizations *Fun to be with *Loves to socialize *Loves praises *Loves attention *Loves to be loved *Honest and trustworthy *Not pretending *Short tempered *Changing personality *Not egoistic *Takes high pride in oneself *Hates restrictions *Loves to joke *Good sense of humor *Logical*

I'd like to meet:

mY LoRd N sOm3oN3 bUt cAn Or nOT tO m33t HiM..


We cant blame others when love dwindles away---- 4 we noe from de start it never promised 2 stay.It's just 1 of those things where de stakes r high---- & sumtimes it's forever & sumtimes it's goodbye.When u love de right way u never lose--- No matter what path life way force u 2 choose.U may end up wif tears or a broken heart--- But u noe what u signed up for frm de start.U can only give what u hf got 2 give--- & if thats not enuf then u must continue 2 live.Life will go on & broken hearts will heal--- U must continue on ur quest for that's the deal.Throw ur heart in2 life & never stall--- 4 d3 greatest risk in life is 2 risk nothing at all.Love is de only thing we noe --- That can be divided but continue 2 grow.Life is not long enuf 2 lock ur heart away--- Just bcoz it may hf forced 2 people apart.We will continue 2 love & continue 2 lose--- We will continue 2 pick & continue 2 choose...


If sum1 cums in2 ur life & bcumes a part of u but 4 sum reasons He/She couldn't stay, don't cry 2 much... Jus b glad dat ur paths crossed &; sumhow he/She made u happy even 4 a while.