♥diaNne profile picture


About Me

♥ my reaL nAme is Diana Marie Nunez..nice name noH?hahaha♥ yOu cAn caLL me .."diAnne..", .."yAng or .."daidAi.."♥ i lOve GOD abOve alL thIngs, but i dont dO thE wHole cHurch tHing..♥ i cANt livE witHout my faMily, my tRue friEnds and my BOO..♥ i cAnt livE witHout muSic..anD pLaying gUitAr is my pAssion..♥ iM a die hARd fAn of BOB MARLEY..i rEaLLy loVE aLL hiS sONgs..i loVe rEgGae..♥ id liKe to cLaim tHat im a ceRtifIed haPPy-gO-lUcky persOn..i lOve to tRY nEw thIngs, i loVe exPerimenting..iM alWays iN tHe m0od t0 haVe a go0d tiMe♥ i aM eaSy to gET alOng with uNless yoU get oN my baD sidE, tHen i'll bEcOme tHe bigGest biTch yoU haVe eVEr met..♥ my fweNs find mE .."kIkay.." and .."kaLog.." bEcausE of My aCtions, bUt it cOmes on tHe rIght pLace and On tHE rigHT tIme♥ i acT a biT cRAzy at tIMes bUt itS jUst me beiN siLLy..♥ i loVe to sMile and lAugh..i caN tAke jOke and uSually dOnt gEt mad tHAt eAsily..♥ i Really liKe gOOd diScusSions tHaT cAN be eitHEr inTellecTually stiMulating or jUst pLAin coMedic..♥ im hEaD ovEr hEEls inLove witH my bABy cHuBBY!!Content from Coshed.com - Myspace Layouts
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My Interests

♥ dOgs♥ bAgs♥ sHirt♥ aCCessOriES♥ cEllpHones♥ mOvies♥ mUsic♥ beLts♥ sHoes♥ jEans♥ cHOcolates♥ caKes♥ naiL polisH

I'd like to meet:

anyone here in
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♥ bOb maRley♥ aVril laVigne♥ micHeLLe bRanch♥ MYMP♥ IMAGO


♥ iF onlY♥ uNfaithFuL♥ tHe nOtebOOk♥ viEw frOm tHe tOp♥ bOb maRley♥ tHe rIng♥ sAssy girL♥ hOUse oF wAx


♥ pOp mYx♥ mTv mOst waNted♥ aLias♥ tHe bacHElor♥ bItoy fUnniesT vidEo♥ ameriCAn idOl