my little zos, music, the electro disco, protesting that im going to have a quiet week this week, putting on shows, djing across the city, the odd quiet tipple, button noses, wearing mittens, looking disinterested at the indie disco, gigs, cooking, red wine, hair straighteners at weekends
liz frazer, kate bush, jeff buckley. i wish i hadnt met pete doherty. the twat
electro-house, this new music taking over called indie, punk-disco, new wave, britpop 95-97, rave the first time round, 8-bit, dischord, hardcore the early years, ed banger, kitsune, torch era northern soul, scando post-hardcore, electronica without soul, electro-pop. mostly music that sounds like its made by robots.kate bush, the cocteau twins, arab strap, van she, justice, jeff buckley, the whip, sebastian tellier, the knife, quicksand, refused, lcd soundsystem, the rapture, q and not u, dan les vs scroobius pip and loads else
are an excuse to tongue rape your first girlfriend after you told her that the back row in the cinema had the best view
is a band that have just reformed. the kids tell me that "marquee moon" was properly good
is a band. they did this song "enjoy your worries you may never have them again" it was awesome
is a song by david bowie. obviously. it's alright like, but i don't need to hear it every freakin saturday, when there's suffragette city and rock n roll suicide sitting patiently in a certain dj's record box...