a lot....truly a lot... Adrenaline rush (and that including girls as well).Cant list them here....out of space!!
Mostly fast tempo. Rock live forever...... OK lah...sikit sikit melancholic........I'm human what.... Love the Chinese Classical sounds, Northern Indian sitar & tabla and a lot of Irish fiddles..... soothing...
Hmmm...anything.... anything challenge my mind always a preference. How about Nick Cage, Sam Jackson, Denzel, Tommy Lee Jones. Malay movie? Err.err..ada tiket free???
Should I say, AXN the best? CSI RAWKS!!!! Please....not the Bachelor or the bachelorette....or sewaktu dengannya.
Heroes...hmmm.. whoever that are, must always be them who never abuse children, women and other people in the name of whatsoever it is.