Try to destroy me
You will only relive defeat
Your actions almost killed me
But now I'm the only one laughing
I see it now in your eyes
I hope you mend soon enough
Good bye
So, ya...I thought I'd finally update this profile since, no, contrary to all popular belief, I do not still live in Calgary. So all of you people who I may have drank with, or maybe accidentally bumped into you on the street, and maybe one of us almost fell am not just a figment of your imagination.
Currently I am busy working from time to time, and by that, "time to time," I really mean to say everyday. It's fun; I feel important. I wake up and say to myself "I have a job...and that job, pays, of all things."
I'm also playing in a band called A Clarence Street Affair, in which I do all of the "pretty" vocals, and well...pretty much ruin every other thing about the band. Ya, thats actually why they asked me to play with them; they literally asked me to join because they wanted me to ruin all of their talent and chances because "they thought it would be funny to be poor musicians for the rest of eternity." True story.
Apparently I'm also going back to school in january, to "enhance my mental," which really isn't needed, since I'm so f'n retarded as it is. But meh, nothing like a few thousand dollars can't improve.
So I guess if you'd like to talk, message me. Or if you'd like to stalk me, you had better bring a ladder, because I live on the second floor...and my window faces a backyard, and that backyard is not only inhabited by 2 dogs, but BIRDS...ya, you heard me...and my blinds are mostly closed...and when its dark, its REALLY hard to see people who are looking at me from a nearby for the love of god, please call first.
xox love
robI pimped my profile at , check out these Free Layouts, Graphics, and Generators