Suzanne Lanoue profile picture

Suzanne Lanoue

Suzanne and The TV MegaSite!

About Me

I run The TV MegaSite, Inc. -- that's my business. I work on it full-time, with the help of 100 volunteers!! It is a large, great TV site that has been around for ten years. Come visit!

You can read about me at My Bio Page and hear me sing at My Songs Page or my Band Page on MySpace



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My Interests

internet stuff, traveling, Music (especially karaoke), TV, writing, reading, collecting, entering sweepstakes, drawing, and playing with our dog.

I'd like to meet:

...all of my favorite TV and movie actors that I haven't yet met. :) That's a very long list. Yes, I'm shallow... I have already met some of them, including Maurice Benard and Thorsten Kaye.

Oh, and one non-actor I enjoyed meeting was Bill Clinton!

I would like to meet William Shatner, Pierce Brosnan, Harrison Ford, Russell Crowe, Tristan Rogers, Finola Hughes, and many others!

What is your favorite serialized drama?
Desperate Housewives
The Young & The Restless
General Hospital
Grey's Anatomy
Days of Our Lives
Battlestar Galactica
Bold & The Beautiful
All My Children

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I love most kinds of music but especially pop/rock and oldies. Not a big fan of rap and only some country. You can hear me sing here by clicking on the iPod or at My Songs page


My favorites include Gone with the Wind, Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Wizard of Oz and Gladiator. I am a really big movie fan, but nowadays I mostly watch on DVD. Thank god for Netflix!


Many many favorites! That's why I have a big TV site. My current faves are All My Children, Veronica Mars, Battlestar Galactica, Smallville, House, General Hospital, Vanished, Bones, Y&R, and Dead Zone.


I love crime novels, Dean Koontz, scifi etc. I will read almost anything....


Superman, Hillary Clinton, Madonna

My Blog

Go see my real blog! Hear me sing!

My blog is at I try to update it at least once a week. To hear me sing, just go to will ask for a username and passwordso use "guest" and "...
Posted by Suzanne Lanoue on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 02:52:00 PST

Here's a link to my blog!

My blog is at My personal site is at My TV site is at Please visit!  Thanks!!!...
Posted by Suzanne Lanoue on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 03:48:00 PST