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The elephant is in the snake

About Me

Graphix Pimper

Well, what can I say about myself, that will truly describe me?

I'm a guy that mostly lives in his dreams. I'm 27 but somewhere inside I'm still a kid. I can't control time, but I can control my mind to stay away from seeing life as my enemy and force myself into something I know it's not my path.

I graduated from high-school in 2000 and then I started a college I didn't really like. I was also writing my first screenplay back then and the script was higher priority for me, so I quit the college.

Then I went to work in a cinema (as I want to become a filmmaker once, I thought, knowing that side also can help later). I worked there for 9 months then I stepped further...

I went to the US to work in a Jewish youth camp as a kitchen staff. Going to the US was the best decision in my whole life, 'cause I not only got away from all my heavy past, but I also got closer to myself and reached goals, I never thought I could. I worked in the camp for 10 weeks. Then where else I could go having filmmaking in my mind than to Los Angeles. So LA was the real dream-come-true experience. I took any job I could from baby-sitting to dishwashing. I met many great people and made new friends. You know, LA is much different from Hungary, so I left behind my old self there. But unfortunately my visa was about to expire so I had to return to my home country.That five months I spent in the US was the pinnacle of my life, I want to reach again ever since then. But I got my next two visa applications rejected even though I haven't done anything against the rules. Bureaucracy and discrimination rules in the US. In 2007 I could finally finance a college in LA and I got accepted, but I still didn't get a visa.

Anyway, I haven't given up.

I went back to the cinema to work and stayed there a much longer time than before, but I quit. Since that I translated an English roleplaying book on an assignment, and now I'm a freelancer. I also had the (hopefully) last one of a series of surgeries that began at my age of 11 and included 8 big surgeries up until 2004. The details I may share with you one day, 'cause I guess it can give strength and hope to others but it's not always easy to remember.

I'm planning my return to LA (or somewhere else if the US keeps rejecting me) 'cause the Hungarian cinema was good only decades ago, and even then mostly abroad. You like Casablanca? Well, Michael Curtis (originally Kertesz Mihaly) was from Hungary. But he's not the only famous person from Hollywood with Hungarian roots. There used to be a saying in Hollywood in the golden ages: "It's not enough to be Hungarian, you've got to have talent also."

Besides that one completed feature-lenght screenplay I've started working on some others, and wrote a few short ones, too mainly for music videos.

The most important things in my life are spirituality, my beloved ones, my cat, my creativity, my freedom, trying to act altruistically, trying to make peace and trying to find myself.

I don't like when someone thinks on a limited way. I don't like prejudice and dishonesty. And I don't like when someone is not willing to change, to correct him/herself, to become a better human being. I love to love, and hate to hate, but you can only hate truly those who you truly love.

I belive in miracles and I will never stop dreaming...

P.S.: Please, read my FAQ in my blog before contacting me! But I tell here also, as the FAQ was seemingly useless... so Friend Requests without a message first about who you are and why are you interested in me won't be accepted! Also check out my pictures! As you could have read it, photography is my hobby, so any comments on them is appreciated!

My Interests

screenwriting, photography, filmmaking, nature, movies, music, spirituality, traveling, meditation, healthy living, meeting new friends, adventures (without order of importance)

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet who I need to meet, and then probably I won't get disappointed, 'cause those people I will meet anyway. I could list many names I'd like to meet for different reasons, but my karma knows better who I should meet.


There are not many artists I admire. Some are: Madonna, Alanis Morissette, Christina Aguilera, the ABBA. They are inspiring. But I listen to many kinds of music, it depends on if I want to dance (dance music) or I want to transcend to other worlds (classical music), and there's a lot of styles in between. The most important factor is that it has to touch me on some level. The above named artists seem to manage to be true to themselves and therefor I like them. It's that simple.


Basic Instinct, Mulholland Drive, A.I., The Hours, Brokeback Mountain, Casablanca (Hungarians in Hollywood rulez!), 21 Grams, The Monster, The Others, Donnie Darko, Chicago, Star Wars (ep. IV-VI), Kill Bill I-II, Silence Of The Lambs, Hannibal, Alien (all of them), Scream 1-2, Moulin Rouge, Lost In Translation, Snatch, The Last Samurai, A Home At The End Of The World, Gladiator, I'm Going To Tell You A Secret... and almost anything from Hitchcock, Polanski, Spielberg, Ridley Scott, Ang Lee and there's a lot more... and also I really like the old - black and white - Hungarian movies... those were the times... what I don't like in a movie: if there is violence for no reason.


I don't really watch TV. Nowadays there's nothing interesting in it. I like some series like Friends, House, Medium but I think, among all series 6 Feet Under is the best, but I liked those old-school series (Cheers, Taxi, Dallas, Mork & Mindy, Alf), but I guess, I was too young then :)


Antoine de Saint Exupéry: The Little Prince; Paulo Coelho: The Alchemist; Sandor Weores: Towards Completeness; Imre Madach: The Tragedy of Man; Franz Kafka: The Trial; Michael Cunningham: The Hours, A Home at the End of the World; Don Miguel Ruiz: The Four Agreements, The Mastery Of Love; Michael Laitman: Attaining The Worlds Beyond


Jesus, Buddha, Madonna...
Anyone who shines and spreads the Light, anyone who have the balls to be true.

My Blog

FAQ - Read this before contacting me

Hey Everybody,Here are some rules I want you to keep in mind before you contact me:1) If you happen to find me, and you think you would want to know me better, then please, DON'T JUST SEND ME A FRIEND...
Posted by Bazsa on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 02:51:00 PST

Writing samples: Madonna - Let It Will Be

ProtectRite Registration : R692-11487Madonna: Let It Will Be(music video screenplay)byBalazs Lucza         & nbsp;      FADE IN:&nb...
Posted by Bazsa on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 05:44:00 PST

Writing samples: Madonna - Miles Away

ProtectRite Registration : R692-13794"Miles Away"music video treatmentby Balazs Lucza(The whole video is shot in monochrome.)Parts of a silent apartment wake with the light.We change to someone's POV....
Posted by Bazsa on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 02:20:00 PST


Hey ya!I'm just back from London. I was there for a week with a friend, and I gotta tell you it was f*cking good! I loved every second.So I might be changing my plans and not go back to Los Angeles (l...
Posted by Bazsa on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 02:33:00 PST

To My Diary (poem)

Sometimes I write poems... well, actually I wrote poems 6 years ago, then all my inspiration for rhymes just stopped, but lately for some reason I'm writing poems again. So this one is a new one, and ...
Posted by Bazsa on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 07:32:00 PST

Simple thoughts...

They say that every disease has its roots in the soul, and many times we get ill it is a time for change. From the most simple illnesses to the life-threatening ones. I only got a simple flu, yet it ...
Posted by Bazsa on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 03:25:00 PST

Boreh - the second exhibition

Hello my Friends,I'd like to show you the second set of photos of mine. These were part of a real exhibition in Sept. The gallery opened on the 5th Sept but because I was just coming home from Amsterd...
Posted by Bazsa on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 04:01:00 PST

Writing samples: Madonna - Easy Ride

Music Video screenplays written by Balazs LuczaAll screenplays are registered and under copyright. ProtectRite Registration : R692-11484 Madonna: Eas...
Posted by Bazsa on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 02:10:00 PST

The Fog gallery (updated on 26th April 2006)

The Fog galleryThis is my first ever online exhibition, and it displays a strange day of my life.The pictures were taken on the 11th Jan 2005 at around noon on the Margaret Island in Budapest, Hungary...
Posted by Bazsa on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 01:27:00 PST

Gallery opening

Welcome Everybody!Thank you for stopping by! Before you go further to check out any of the available galleries, let me tell you a little more about my art.I started taking photos on an amateur but ent...
Posted by Bazsa on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:17:00 PST