Graphix Pimper
Well, what can I say about myself, that will truly describe me?
I'm a guy that mostly lives in his dreams. I'm 27 but somewhere inside I'm still a kid. I can't control time, but I can control my mind to stay away from seeing life as my enemy and force myself into something I know it's not my path.
I graduated from high-school in 2000 and then I started a college I didn't really like. I was also writing my first screenplay back then and the script was higher priority for me, so I quit the college.
Then I went to work in a cinema (as I want to become a filmmaker once, I thought, knowing that side also can help later). I worked there for 9 months then I stepped further...
I went to the US to work in a Jewish youth camp as a kitchen staff. Going to the US was the best decision in my whole life, 'cause I not only got away from all my heavy past, but I also got closer to myself and reached goals, I never thought I could. I worked in the camp for 10 weeks. Then where else I could go having filmmaking in my mind than to Los Angeles. So LA was the real dream-come-true experience. I took any job I could from baby-sitting to dishwashing. I met many great people and made new friends. You know, LA is much different from Hungary, so I left behind my old self there. But unfortunately my visa was about to expire so I had to return to my home country.That five months I spent in the US was the pinnacle of my life, I want to reach again ever since then. But I got my next two visa applications rejected even though I haven't done anything against the rules. Bureaucracy and discrimination rules in the US. In 2007 I could finally finance a college in LA and I got accepted, but I still didn't get a visa.
Anyway, I haven't given up.
I went back to the cinema to work and stayed there a much longer time than before, but I quit. Since that I translated an English roleplaying book on an assignment, and now I'm a freelancer. I also had the (hopefully) last one of a series of surgeries that began at my age of 11 and included 8 big surgeries up until 2004. The details I may share with you one day, 'cause I guess it can give strength and hope to others but it's not always easy to remember.
I'm planning my return to LA (or somewhere else if the US keeps rejecting me) 'cause the Hungarian cinema was good only decades ago, and even then mostly abroad. You like Casablanca? Well, Michael Curtis (originally Kertesz Mihaly) was from Hungary. But he's not the only famous person from Hollywood with Hungarian roots. There used to be a saying in Hollywood in the golden ages: "It's not enough to be Hungarian, you've got to have talent also."
Besides that one completed feature-lenght screenplay I've started working on some others, and wrote a few short ones, too mainly for music videos.
The most important things in my life are spirituality, my beloved ones, my cat, my creativity, my freedom, trying to act altruistically, trying to make peace and trying to find myself.
I don't like when someone thinks on a limited way. I don't like prejudice and dishonesty. And I don't like when someone is not willing to change, to correct him/herself, to become a better human being. I love to love, and hate to hate, but you can only hate truly those who you truly love.
I belive in miracles and I will never stop dreaming...
P.S.: Please, read my FAQ in my blog before contacting me! But I tell here also, as the FAQ was seemingly useless... so Friend Requests without a message first about who you are and why are you interested in me won't be accepted! Also check out my pictures! As you could have read it, photography is my hobby, so any comments on them is appreciated!