Nasting, grinding. Literature, Ambient Music, Trip-hop, brakes, d N b, classical. Theatre. Nasty Conventions. Medicine. Pharmacology. Chemistry love-potion making apprentice.
People who will come and nast with me and ma sistas.
Zero 7, Air, The Herbaliser, DJ Food, DJ Krush, LTJ Bukem, Ladytrons, Jazzanova, Koop, Therary Corporation, Damien Rice. Kruder & Dorfmeister, Layo & Bushwacka, Stereo Sushi, Nirvana Lounge, Buddha Bar, Hotel Costes, St. Germaine, Bonobo. Bach, Chopin, Ravel, Shostokovich, Rachmanivoff.
Layer Cake, 25th Hour, Sliding Doors, Dumpling, Hero, Blow, Austin Powers. Lord of the Rings. Bridget Jones. Baise Moi, Love on A Diet (aka Lily and Mung)
TVB Dramas, some Jap dramas, Sex and the City.
Crime and Punishment - Fydor Dostevoysky, Either/Or A Fragment of Life - Soren Kirekegaard, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding - Locke, Utilitarianism - JS Mill, On the Jewish Question - Karl Marx. Freud Reader, Existentialist Literature, Murakami.
Marx, Freud, Bach, Plato