I'm interested in a lot of things. If i could spent the days doing what inerests me most, I would sit at my computer writing amazing things and I would take photographs. I just got a new camera. So far i've shot 700 stunningly amazing pictures. I enjoy photographing the sky, clouds, trees, birds, people on the bus, mirrors on the bus, the bus driver, hot dudes, my friends, and I esspecially enjoy taking photos of myself. I am trying to associate with my own face, my actual face, you know, not the fucking "mirror image" that I have been trying to relate to and compete with all these years. Fuck mirrors, cameras are better.
woody allen.
good. love it.
super good. love them.
when that show ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT was on, I watched it. larry david. my roommate watches jeopardy so sometimes i watch and its pretty cool.
currently reading (as of july 07) notes from underground by dostoevsky, mysteries by hamsun, a magazine i found at the bank on queens blvd., the favorite game by l. cohen, blue eyes black hair by m. duras, a way to victory by hidy ochiai and several other things. i have a low attention span for reading right now so i must read many things and finish none. need a new comic book series.
my brothers, my sisters, doctors, unprocessed cheese. theres some others but for right now...