emo profile picture


i bare love emos .:: .:sarcasm is golden blad

About Me

my name is jal..... there are three of us.. i have three emo heads...i love side fringes,. im so emotional. i cry myself to sleep. my cuts are my only escape from reality, my emo fringe hides me away and is my only protection from theevil world of light..that we live in

love me, or i'll die

i'd trust you, but i can't trust myself
tears always fall but where do they land?
the blood trickles from my heart because you stabbed it
braap innit cos im emo dope.

Take the quiz:
How emo are you?

Holy Shit Your Emo
Holy shit you actually are emo! Congratulations on not being a poser.

My Interests

my poetry...
that song it reminds her of him
that song it reminds her of that day
that song reminds her of love
it hurts her
because love hurt her

she remembers his smile
she remembers his hands
she remembers his kiss
it hurts her
because he hurt her

wanting to hear his voice
wanting him to hold her tight
wanting him to want her
wanting him
because she doesnt know how not to

feeling her heart beat too fast
feeling her stomach rip apart
feeling tears fall from her eyes
feeling unhappy
because this is what she is used to

why does she still want him?
why does she still remember him?
why does she still feel for him?
why did she ever love him?
because we all want love
and we all want to have something others want
if only she had accepted
if only we could accept
that love is hard to find
and even harder to keep

one day she will stop crying
one day we will all stop crying

as one day we will realise love isnt worth it
(this is copy written) (c)

I'd like to meet:

i want a guy to make me cry over elevenses, breakfast, lunch, dinner because i don't eat because i'm bare fat i weigh 4 stone!!!
i want a guy to tell me i'm pretty, because lies are more beautiful than the truth
some one who wears drain pipes, goes to gigs, gatherings, parties GREENWICH!! and likes getting pissed lolza
allow haters... if you're here to hate i aint got no time 4 it just click da X in da corner u get me?
i need a guy who can share his inner most thoughts with me, a guy who wil take my breath away. a guy who is always there.. or a girl cas i'm bi.
i want someone to reach for my heart
i'm fragile inside
if you touch me i might break
but i need your touch to carry on
without you i'm incomplete
without you me heart don't beat
it just cries
cries a lonely song
a lonely song of blood


makes me cry..... and bleed.. (bad periods u see..)


edward scissor hands.. how handy would that be if you couldnt find a blade... any film by tim burton




anything by shakspeare


we hate beg emoz, but we actaully have respect for u true emoz....altrhough some times you can be a lil bit fooooooooked up...EMO POWER!!!! buuuffffftingalingadingdongchungarungbadoom POW