Duzan profile picture


About Me

Duzan is currently searching for an accomplished professional with live and recording experience. Professional player preferred, but if you are an aspiring writer, we would love to talk with you. Someone who is prepared to work, but willing to have fun in the process. Creative composer with vocal abilities.
Rehearse in Simi Valley, CA. in our private studio. Pro gear and Pro attitude required.
Duzan is currently in the process of booking live engagements and recording projects. Please contact: [email protected] for further details.
Please visit this website to see our longtime friend, Curtis Dawson. Professional Graphics Production at it's finest! http://www.curtoonscreative.com
Please visit this website to see our longtime friend, Kenny De Vries. Multi-Talented Musician and Composer! http://www.kennydevries.com
Please visit this website to see our very good friend, Scott Gallegos. Check out some of these awesome photos from Scott! http://www.scottgallegos.com

My Interests


Member Since: 2/20/2006
Band Website: myspace.com/duzan2007
Band Members:

Influences: God, Family, Country, and The American Way!
Sounds Like: Poetry to some, and shit to others!
Record Label: Self Produced
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Breakout Fans Rock!

Thanks to everyone for all the support! We are currently in the studio working on our 2nd release! Summer of 2006 will bring some live shows...Hope to see you all there! Keep sending us those great ph...
Posted by Duzan on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 03:19:00 PST