Scott profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

These are kind of section of me. I really can’t make a whole paragraph 'just about me' cause I don’t really know me... If you like to hear it hear it goes!F.Y.I. I’m not the greatest speller/ grammar proficient so forgive me if I've mucked up any info about me.I am a nonconformist; Not in the high school Freshman/Sophomore Kind of way but in the way of If all my friends jumped off a bridge than. . .than. . . Fucken A I do that! Bad example . . . I march to the beat of a different drum.I say what I mean and mean what I say. I am the type of friend that will treat my friends like gold because I value my friends and not treat them like some. . . some piece of crap and I treat my brand new friend like I've known them all my life.I’m NOT the best at virtually---- (my space) keeping up with my friends. I’m a people person not a keyboardist. Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

Pool/ Billards. Music. Lisening to music on headphones. Running. Dogs. Cigars. Summer Skys with clouds. Talking-Laughing-Wisecracking and always having a good time. Flirting with 'the ladys'. . . nice curvse:)

I'd like to meet:

Fun people who like to laugh and no how to have a good time!Any one of my past friends from Atlanta.Oh! You want to know about famous people I like to meet. . . Okay. Robin Williams, Jim Carey. Edward Norton


In no peticular order.: Chemical Brothers. The Bestie Boys. Jet. ZZ Top. Jay-Z. Good Charlotte. Johnney Cash Radio Head. Daf Punk. Beck. Rammons. The Beatles. AC/DC. Kool and The Gang and just recently funk and blues; and surf music U know old school; Dick Dale ...and sometimes, when the mood strikes me...I'll listen to some HipHop. . hip hop ...enomous.......give yourself a pat on the back if you got the Big Daddy refrence. Yeah.


Vanilla Sky. Fight Club.Super troopers.Casino. Kill Bill 1 & 2 Cidndeala Man. Death to Smoochie, Clerks Clerks II. Elf. Old School. Pulp Ficton. The Labrenth. French Conection. the Remake of The Producers. any thing with Edward Norton Cauce I thing he is a terrific actor.


South park. King of the Hill "hoo ya" Myth Busters. Inside The Actors Studio. Robot Chicken. Top chef. Famly Guy.Two and A Half Men.I love the 80's. I love the 80's strikes back. I love the 90's.


The Stranger.Im trying to read some realy good stuff but it appers that peple in Va dont now jack about realy good books. they always recamend me Steven King. Pbfffff! but right now Im reading I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell. by Tucker Max, and I gotta tell ya its pretty good.


My Dad & Mom & Myself. and Miss. Glenda Grimley, Ronda Zents, Veronica van Harn and any one thats wears a cape to work.