Roleplaying, movies, music, drinking, plans for the world domination
Friends and people with similar interests.
Voltaire, Poe, Rasputina, Rammstein, Type 0 Negative, Weird Al Yankovic, Dr. Demento, TaTu, among others.....
Advent Children, Hitchhiker's Guide, V for Vendetta, Topper, Topper Returns, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Hellsing, Sound and Fury (Fakespearean Players)
Dirty Jobs, Mythbusters, Penn and Teller's BullShit!, 24, Invader Zim
The Blind Watchmaker, Origin of Species, anything by Lovecraft or Gaiman, and currently His Majesty's Dragon
The Catholic Church, for being shocked that electing a former Nazi to the Papacy was going to lead to him shooting his mouth off and being seperatist.The muslim organization that bombed the churches in protest of the pope's statement that the muslim people are inherently violent.My brother, Christian, for having the sense to get the fuck out of the game before all this shit hit the fan. I miss you, you asshole.