Orla profile picture


Life expands or contracts in direct proportion to your courage

About Me

eh... thinker of thoughts, do'er of things...

My Interests

Music obsessed. geetar whackery, sound tech monkeyism, mechanical knob twiddler. psychology, particularly psychology with relation to the arts (check out anthony storr's books, great reads), and i'm also quite fascinated with sleep disorders for some reason. people i respect and love, places that mean something, headphones+music+walking+scenery, time on one's own, i have an appreciation for trains, train tracks, train stations, especially run down country types, any type of old building that is decayed, cork-i loved living there, my cons, generally noish comfortable shoes, finding clothes that speak of you for not very much money, travelling, living independently, sleep, an intelligent conversation, a dry sense of humour and a bloody good laugh, yeh!? and recently, porridge??!

I'd like to meet:

I suppose I would have liked to have had a conversation with Nick Drake, most of all I wish the man was still alive and blessing us with his incredible talent and sensibilty. It's also a pity Frank Zappa is no longer living. I have so much respect for the man, the life he lived and the music he made. If I could back for one day in time, I would sit in on a recording session and just watch him work. Anyway, with regards myspace, if you want to send me a message, sure do.. not if your that male russian porn star though, although it was a hilarious read all the same.. oh and if you have last.fm, add me- send your recomendations this way, i like my post rock, prog metal (excuse the 'genres'), old skool hip-hop, electronica, disco, funk, soul, folk.. i'm all ears.. http://www.last.fm/user/orl677/


...Currently lishening to Nick Drake, Oceansize, NoMeansNo, Isis, Oxbow, Frank Zappa and the mothers of invention, Kong, Mogwai, The Cinematic Orchestra, Iron and wine, Gang of four, Grizzly bear, james taylor, Victims family, Adebisi Shank, dEUS, The Avalanches, Aphex twin, pharcyde, Venetian snares, Plaid, Sofa surfers, boards of canada etc..


don't do tv much, dvds yeh.. i'll always watch arrested development if i see it on though, and if you haven't seen that show you really must..


currently reading, the cleft.. it won the nobel prize last year but i wouldn't be throwing a party about it yet..


the notions the word 'hero' brings to mind just don't sit well with me. call me a tight so and so and all.. :0) i respect certain people here and gone though..

My Blog

One of my favourite Youtube videos

Where the hell is matt = happiness..One of these days I will cure this travel bug of mine! ...
Posted by Orla on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 02:33:00 PST

Miserere mei, Deus

I don't give a hoot what anyone thinks of this, THIS is one of my favourite pieces of music of all time. It devestates me, in a good way. It humbles me.Whenever I feel like things are going to pot, I ...
Posted by Orla on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 12:18:00 PST

Got Book?

Bit of controversy over this.Make of it what you will. I think it has an important message cross-culturally at exactly the right time, I also happen to think it's amusing. It's amazing how some people...
Posted by Orla on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 05:23:00 PST

Good News / Bad News

An excersise in focusing on things in front of my face again - last night in the form of an idea pinched from a websiteBad News- taxi driver who failed miserably at the whole 'knowing dublin routes' j...
Posted by Orla on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 03:03:00 PST


(edit: removal of original topic, as it no longer particularly relevant)here’s one or two things that made me chipper today. A book im reading by Anthony Storr, which deals with Famous literary ...
Posted by Orla on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 07:26:00 PST


Conquering emotion is one thing, feeling immense sorrow or pain and overcoming it..but willingly or unwillingly ridding yourself of emotion is weak and irresolute and only makes one a defeatist. There...
Posted by Orla on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 07:14:00 PST