Massage therapy, Ayurvedic Medicine , Ashtanga Yoga, Swimming, Natural Health, Western Medicine,Chess, Pool, Traveling the World, Water coloring, Biking, Dancing, Meditation, Herbology, Cranial Wave Therapy, Music, Pilates, Listening to Records, DogsMy trip to India to study Ayurveda
People interested in Ayurveda, Vedic Sciences Yoga "Ashtanga" Meditation, General health and wellness.
I Like most all music. A short list of my favorites are, Bjork, Pavement, Sonic Youth, Built to Spill, Modest Mouse, Rilo Kiley, Lemon Jelly, Jets to Brazil, Bright Eyes, Lawence Arms, The Clash, Clinic, Black Heart Procession, M. Ward, Rainer Maria,The Blood Brothers, Statistics, The Good Life, Pixies, Quasi,Sky Cries Mary, Brother Ali, Anti Pop, Rights of Spring, Atmosphere, Dead Can Dance, I like Music from the late 70's. I enjoy weird music like when some one makes the instrument out of old coffee tins and plays it with a drum stick. I currently enjoy mood music. I play it during my massages, some stuff like flutes and sitars.
Comedy Central
The Tao of Physics, Be Here Now, The Bhagavad Gita, Perfect Health, Ayurveda and the Mind, The Science of Yoga(by: I.K Taimni), The Sushruta Samita(Englaish translation from the sanskrit text), Kayachitasa(Dr. Ranade) The Ayurvedic Cookbook, Light on Pranayama and Light on Yoga(by: BKS Inengar), Calm and Clear, Ayurveda the Science of Self Healing, and many more books that I don't have time to type in right now.