music: listening, writing, and playing. arts. sciences. indie politics. post modern lit. finding bizarre websites on the net. minimalism. graffitti/pastiche/sensationalism a la worhol, basquiat, and duchamp. futurism, toffler style. quantum field theory. learning gemara. rockin the shabbos. painting skateboards without knowing how to do any tricks on them. kung fu. going out on the town. rocking out. chillin. trying new and out-of-the ordinary things...been a bit curious about urban exploration these days...
Anyone who's cool, but not crazy...actually i think crazy can be damn cool. So cool and crazy. But the cool kind of crazy, not the serial killer type crazy...Cool and COOl crazy...Anyway, I'm still new in the Chicagoland area and looking to form a posse of sorts. So if you is around there def hit me up.
Prokofiev, Radiohead, Quasimoto, Blonde Redhead, Coltrane, Sonic Youth, Prefuse 73, Miles Davis, The Pixies, Massada, Ornette Coleman, Charlie Parker, Gutbucket, Lemonjuice Quartet, Samuel Barber, Stereolab, Pavement, Madvillainy, Beethoven, Fugazi, Nirvana, DeathCab, Juez, Beck, Shostakovich, the Shins, the Arcade Fire, Tribe Called Quest, Bartok, Trail of the Dead, Hindemith, the Roots, TV on the Radio
The Usual Suspects, Brazil, anything by Terry Gilliam, Royal Tennenbaums, Adaptation, Big Lebowski, Fight Club, Napoleon Dynamite, American Beauty, Office Space, Annie Hall, 28 Days Later, Goonies, zombie flicks, kung fu movies...
Homestarrunner (I know its not a "tv" show but...), Ali G, Simpsons, Seinfeld, Pete and Pete, SNL (when they were funny)
Cat's Cradle, The Third Wave, Me Talk Pretty, Mother Night, Brave New World, anything by Heschel, Kavallier and Clay, Fight Club, The Trail, Love in the Time of Cholera, The Crying of Lot 49, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Lonely Man of Faith, Snow Crash, If On A Winter's Night A Traveler, Dune, Never Mind the Goldbergs (Matthue Roth)