The Larry: Eastbound and Down!!! profile picture

The Larry: Eastbound and Down!!!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Your results:
You are Magneto Magneto 94% Apocalypse 90% Dr. Doom 80% Juggernaut 72% Mystique 68% Dark Phoenix 67% Lex Luthor 65% Two-Face 64% Mr. Freeze 63% Venom 60% The Joker 55% Poison Ivy 50% Green Goblin 48% Kingpin 46% Catwoman 45% Riddler 35% You fear the persecution of those that are different or underprivileged so much that you are willing to fight and hurt others for your cause.
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You scored as Fantasy Goth. You are a Fantasy Goth. You may or may not actually be a goth, but "normal" folks see you as one of those weird kids, and you are probably considered a geek by quite a few. Click on my name to take my other tests if you liked this one.

Fantasy Goth


Death Rocker


Understanding Outsider


Old-school Goth


Romantic Goth


Ethereal Goth


Anything-Goes Goth






Perky Goff


Confused Outsider

What subcategory of Goth best fits you?
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Which Star Wars Jedi/Sith are you?
Emperor Palpatine
Well, well, well, fancy yourself a bit of a rat-bastard do we? You are the most charismatic of the Sith, well, at least until you got your face burned. You are manipulative and cunning, and your arrogance can be kept in check. Unfortunately, no one else but you can handle the amount of evil stored in that dark heart of yours, so eventually your apprentice can’t handle it and kicks your ass. Oops. Want some irony? You killed your master, and your apprentice killed you. Oh, you are also a nice parallel with Hitler, you’re just missing a moustache.

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.
The Real Sith Test
You are Darth Sidious.The most cold and calculating S.O.B the galaxy has ever known.All will bow at your feet
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I was born September 11, 1974. One month late, I was born to a Redneck in the Army and the Daughter of a Career Army/Air Force man, in the Redstone Arsenal Army base in Huntsville, Alabama. 6 Months Later, was in Germany for 2 Years.
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We then moved to Florida, where my parents are both from. My mom being a Military brat has pretty much lived around the world. I on the other hand aren't so lucky. Well, that's the first 3 years. You'll have to ask me about the rest.
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What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)

Fire Dragon
Rage, passion, you burn with the essence of a powerful flame. You are powerful and majestic and dont let anyone stand in your way without a fight.
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MySpace Layouts
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts What Mythical Beast are you?
Your an Angel. Well, you may have predicted this or not, but these angels are not the ones you see on TV. They do not serve god or any higher power. Angels are floating spirits, fallen spirits, who are the immortal. They which to be like humans. To have all senseses and the joy of life, which makes them a jelous type. Angels repserent sorrow, sadness, greif, death, rain, purity, air, and vengence. Angels cannot harm anything, yet the presence of one is always felt. Angels can be male or female, and have long black or white feathered wings and no clothes. Good luck.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Eric Clapton. Being a guitarist, Clapton has been my God since the beginning. There are other people I wouldn't mind meeting, and chilling with, but that will have to wait til I get to that plane of existence.
Online Status Icons
What You Really Think Of Your Friends
Mom is your soulmate.
You truly love Denise.
You consider Rob your true friend.
You know that Jessica is always thinking of you.
You'll remember Irish for the rest of your life.
You secretly think Kerry is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.
You secretly think that Patty is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.
You secretly think that Dave is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Dave changes lovers faster than underwear.
You secretly think Ron is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Ron has a hidden internet romance. What Do You Think of Your Friends?


music, karaoke, and scaWhatever comes out of my guitar What Color Is Your Aura?
Your aura shines Orange!
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Singles, Star Wars, Star Trek,


Sci-fi (the channel), 24, WWE. Eh What Can I say. I'm a redneck in disguise. :-)


The Diamond Age, Snow Crash, Cosmos, Tom Clancy(anything), Tech Manuals, Guitar World. Yeah, that about sums it up.


Eric Clapton, James Marshall Hendrix, Gordon Summers, Johnny Carson, Steve Jobs, Rick Hunter, Optimus Prime. DId I miss anyone?

My Blog

I'm Done...

So, I'm done with all the drama in the goth scene.I'm tired of worrying about who I'm gonna upset by who I am dating.So, to those of you who have a problem with who I'm dating, screw off. To those of...
Posted by The Larry: Eastbound and Down!!! on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 07:59:00 PST

No More Women, Just Rum.

For those of you interested, this means I am done looking for love, or even lust.  I mean, not to be whiny, but when the only people that are interested in you, are the ones your friends don't w...
Posted by The Larry: Eastbound and Down!!! on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 09:35:00 PST


You know.  Life is funny.  It throws things at you that you would never expect.  Then it throws things at you that you would completely expect.    I never take to much stock ...
Posted by The Larry: Eastbound and Down!!! on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 12:21:00 PST


Yay, Halloween.My favorite holiday. Too many Parties, and not enough Hours in the day. However. Saturday night the clock falls back an hour, meaning an extra hour of sleep.WOO HOO....
Posted by The Larry: Eastbound and Down!!! on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 03:04:00 PST

The Rain

So Much for enjoying My convertible. it Looks as if the rain is coming, and I will have to keep the top up.Another exciting day of work. As I sit here, and stare at the computer, I turn around to st...
Posted by The Larry: Eastbound and Down!!! on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 05:42:00 PST


So, I got the car.  Yay.  That means I'm staying in cali for now.  Happy Happy Joy Joy.   Oh, so much fun and excitement.   Anyways, I'll see yall whenever!...
Posted by The Larry: Eastbound and Down!!! on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 07:23:00 PST

Life, The Universe....

So, What is up with All My PEEPS?  Well, since I started using this blasted account, I've run into my BEST Friends, Moe and Gypsygirl.  What Can I say.  It's nice to Know that I can sti...
Posted by The Larry: Eastbound and Down!!! on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 12:09:00 PST

Why DOes packing suck?

I HATE PACKING.  Seriously I do.  And this is someone who has to do it 2-3 times a year.   Anybody else feel the same way?  Packing, Moving, should all be done by other people!?!...
Posted by The Larry: Eastbound and Down!!! on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 08:29:00 PST

Finally, I've used myspace

Hello everybody,   Well, I've finally gotten bored enough to Work on my MySPace Account.  Heh.  Just Think...I've invaded.   Alrighty, enough of the small talk.  What is up ou...
Posted by The Larry: Eastbound and Down!!! on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:41:00 PST