Film Production, Tae Kwon Do, Graphic Design, Animation, Image Manipulation, Gymnastics, Business, Finance, Applying Biblical principles in everyday situations . . .
Inspired, dedicated, motivated film professionals interested in making a positive impact on society through film - as well as those who enjoy inspiring, encouraging, and thought provoking films!
Any music that presents a message that in some way improves me. I have been especially pleased with most of Steven Curtis Chapman's work among others . . .
Braveheart, I Am David, Gladiator, The Incredibles, Galaxy Quest, 1776, Two Towers, Hot Shots, Hot Shots Part Duex, National Treasure, Luther, 3 Ninjas, Ninja Turtles, Karate Kid II, Something to Sing About, The Mummy 1&2, The Scorpian King, Sahara, Hotel Rwanda, Rambo 1-2-3, The Quest, Conan the Barbarian, Goldeneye, Die Another Day, ALL Sean Connery Bond flicks, Holes, Transporter 2, etc . . .
I prefer real live improv talent - Who's Line Is It Anyway is one of my favorites . . .
The Bible, Gaining Favor with God and Man (YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK!), North to Freedom, "I am Jackie Chan" (his autobiography), the Alchemist . . .
God, Jesus Christ, My Father, Paul the Apostle, William Thayer, Jackie Chan, Mel Gibson . . .