About Me
BUT just incase you do read this, here it goes.
I'm a person of many layers, many of which I'm not even quite sure of yet. So im going to leave this redicoulsy long birth chart of mine just for YOU!!!!!
The report was generated with the following birth .. male, born on 13 March 1984 at 11:02 pm in Kingston, New York.Your sun sign is Pisces. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Scorpio, and your Moon is in Leo.
Sun in Pisces, Moon in Leo
This astrological combination indicates an individual who is disillusioned throughout life in his search for the unattainable. You lack a basic inner harmony. Your individuality is retiring and sensitive and cannot sustain the desires and activities of the more forceful personality. The romantic, weird, and mysterious appease your often ungratified desires. You make an outward show of ambition and appear to be a rather dynamic, controlled individual. Inwardly, however, you remain receptive to the vibrations of every external influence, which you readily integrate into your sensitive system. On the whole you possess a generous disposition, real warmth, and sympathy. You lack a certain practicality, which may be the reason that you cannot judge your activities effectively. The key to a more harmonious self lies in restricting yourself to situations that you will be able to handle to your own satisfaction. You only thwart your own happiness by thrusting yourself into situations that try your receptive, innately retiring individuality.
Ascendant in Scorpio, Mars in the First House
At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Scorpio was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Mars is located in the first house.Your life will be marked by your shrewd, secretive, obstinate, clever, and reserved disposition. You remain an enigma: with these traits, your life events could be either very tragic or very fortunate. To which category of Scorpio do you belong? There are two types, the extremely emotional, attracted by those pathological aspects of biological relationship, or the highly mystical, concerned with spirituality.You are a person of extremes, very sensitive and desirous of attachment. There is some attraction to the occult or to psychic phenomena. You are active in the sense that there is a psychological struggle going on inside you between the positive and negative poles-those of affirming and satisfying or rejecting and repressing. You are very intense in your feelings and remain passionately attached to the person you love. Similarly, when you dislike someone you are very fixed in that feeling. However, there is room for optimism in that: whatever type of Scorpio you may happen to be, there exists a desire deep in your inner self for psychic regeneration.At some point in your life, after the occurrence of a major dramatic event that will affect you deeply, the goal and entire expression of your ego may alter entirely. The intensity and profundity of your passion, however, will always be constant. You have a tendency to go into the shadows and secretly plan the course of action you will take, reluctant to let others know the exact nature of your mood or feelings. In your sexual affairs you are full of passion and strong attachment.Exert more control over your passions; don't be so resentful of others. Use your strong will and character for favorable and beneficial things.You have a strong inclination to be involved in medicine, perhaps even surgery. You are attracted by research and investigation in general.You have an ambitious nature and are always eager for pursuit, whether for constructive or destructive goals. You can be tricky and cunning, passionate, inventive, clever, resentful and astute.Your disposition is a little deceitful and quarrelsome.On the positive side, there is a pronounced liability for intellectual research and to conduct yourself effectively in positions of authority.
Mars Conjunct Ascendant
Mars conjunct the Ascendant gives you an inexhaustible supply of energy. You are constantly in motion, but sometimes it is motion without meaning. Lacking self-discipline, you take daring and unnecessary risks when challenged. You want most of all for people to recognize your superiority.The image you present hides a persistent inferiority complex. You probably win your arguments by making the most noise and wearing out your opponents with unceasing harassment. But you do not need to waste energy this way, because you have enormous creative ability that merely needs to be harnessed to an objective. When you do this, no one can succeed as easily as you can, and with energy to spare.On the positive side, you are independent and self-confident. You know how to mobilize people and their resources to achieve your objectives.
Venus in the Third House
Venus was in the third house of your horoscope at the time of birth. You are keenly interested in the creative arts, and your thoughts and words are surrounded by a halo of beauty, taste, and proportion. Your mind actually feels the emotions connected with nature and the higher aspects of things human. Venus here augurs pleasant and kind relations with members of your family; the disposition of your intellect is congenial, youthful, and attractive.The keys to a better integration of both your mental and emotional functions consist of deepening your personal relationships and of turning the mind inward so that you may be able to know the world better by means of true self-knowledge.
Sun in the Fourth House
The Sun appears in the fourth house at the time of your birth. This is an indication that parental name, family affairs and other domestic matters are of the utmost importance in your life.Sun brings honor, pride, and fame to anything under its influence, and it is indicated that the problem of these influences here is that proper success for you cannot materialize until you are well past your mature years. There appears to exist a very strong attachment to one of your parents.You believe in being the "ruler" in your home, and the sense of privacy is extensively developed in your nature.As life passes you will experience illuminating insights connecting your individuality with certain racial and family elements. Study them. You will then perhaps discover the nature of the spiritual mission which destiny requires of you.
Moon in the Ninth House
The Moon was found in the ninth house at the time of birth. Your higher mind has the potential to expertly reflect the teachings of elevated knowledge that you may receive throughout your life. You will have an ability to quickly adjust to varying conditions.You are endowed with a clever and resourceful imagination, and a mind which is receptive to ideals, higher thoughts, and perhaps even metaphysical matters.Throughout life you are going to solve many critical situations by your ingenious and highly inventive mind which has an abundance of new and humane plans and ideas.
Saturn in the Twelfth House
Saturn was in the twelfth house at the time of birth. This planet may place many unpleasant and annoying obstacles in your life, and intensify the feelings you have about the limitations of your environment.Your professional honor affects your feelings very much and you are well satisfied when things go well. Destiny may have to teach you to tell the difference between fact and fantasy more clearly.Certain complexes nest in your subconscious and show up in your mind as hypersensitivity, wanting to be alone and to do things by yourself so no one will know how you feel. You need a bit of humor and self-confidence.
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