emilie skye profile picture

emilie skye

Take a Chance for Those You Love

About Me

Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0 Im emilie and i'm 23......i'm currently studying Nutrition at Uni i love:.... cats and dogs..... lollies (especially starburst. !! hehe :) )..... singing.... my friends....... summer...... cheese,but not the blue mouldy one...... the beach at night. I love the beach at anytime..... driving and not having a destination....... my hair straightner.......... to love and be loved.... my mum and dad...... photos...... late nights....... long chats about absolutely everything....I really dont like:....... mushrooms....... feet....... early mornings....... fighting....... rain coz it makes my hair go curly....... being ignored...... when people dont reply to your emails, comments, texts....... being hurt.... fakeness..... where i work... my curly hair... not having enought time to see all my friends....
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

my soul mate.


i will listen to ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING!!! i have appreciation for all types of music. From Pop,rock, musical theater, jazz, blues, and thanks to my brothers influence i love punk too.i Would love to learn a stringed instrument. Particularly the cello. I think it is so beautiful. Considering starting to learn guitar. Why Not? ..


Any movie with Adam Sandler ! he is great! I love scary movies. House of Wax, Saw 1 and 2, Texas chainsaw massicure, all the halloween movies. i have a massive DVD collection! Hilary duff movies rock too. Like The Perfect man, lizzie mcguire, cindarella story All time fav is The Shawshank Redemption. Classic! Will watch anything really except sci fi stuf. none of that star wars stuf or anything like that.Not a fan.


Any Reality TV!!!! Big Brother. Australian Idol.Home and Away Dirty Sanchez and Jack Ass!


Fav 'A million Little Pieces' READ IT!!


jesus my grandpa.(Pa Sid) I love you pa and miss you my mum and dad

My Blog

Moving away

It sucks when you find out that your closest friend ever is moving away.   Claire and i have only been friends for about 14..maybe 15 months and the friendship we have found throught that time is...
Posted by emilie skye on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 05:53:00 PST