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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

..Whatup? Im Chris. Im 27 years old, born and raised in Charm City Maryland, AKA Bmore, The Wire, Harm City, BalDuhMore's how we say it. Some love us, some hate us, it is what you make it. To some were the North, to some we're the south so I guess that outs us somewhere in between. I love my city. We got it all. We got the sports, the food, the boats, the clubs, the skyline, the cars, the club music, the industry, the cultural mix, the history, the rich kids, the poor kids, the yuppies, the gangstas, the second highest murder rate in the country, the tourist attractions, the....shyt, we got everything. I love my city. Im a Daddy to the most beautiful little girl in the whole wide world. Only God could've known Id ever be able to take 50% credit for something so perfect. Shes my motivation for about everything I do in some way or another. She lives out in Cali with her Momma, and I miss her dearly. Her mom and I didnt work out is all. but Ill never have anything bad to say about her. Shes a cool ass chick and we'll be close friends forever as far as I see it. I lived out in Utah for a lil over 3 years, which was more than interesting. theres a lot more out there than mountains and mormons, lemme tell you. I made some of the greatest friendships I have ever made out there. Utah people are deep. They're idealist, very open minded, and when they dream something they go at it till they get it. Lets not forget the women out there. The females in that little valley are well bred to say the least. Beautiful, well mannered, know what they want. Many thanks for showing an East Coast Boy a good time during my stay. I more than likely never would have left, but lets face it, the economy sucks out there an although I consider myself to be pretty good at my trade, I dont think that those companies out there were ready for a young east coast cat, shaved head and a little bit of an accent, with no backing from "the church." Fuck'em. I didnt stand a coal miners chance in hell out there. That wasnt funny. My heart bleeds for their families, but there is a point for you. Explain why men need to travel more than a mile into the earth to make a living for their families. So Im back in Bmore now, working for the same company that I did before I left for SLC. We own Maryland in the field of Fire protection. I work for the greatest people that one could ask to work for. My company is a perfect example of what it takes to start with nothing and build an empire. And they have been good to me. Basically I make bank to drive around to huge businesses and play with wires and computers all day. Im rennovating a house right now. Not just any house, but this ones got sentimental value to it. I gutted the bitch to the block and started over. Ive been working on it since about september of 06'. Im not as far as Id like to be, or as far as I thought I would be by now, but its starting to come to. When Im not at work, Im still working. I live in a construction site. It sucks and I dont want to live in one anymore. I envy you peeps that come home to finished houses. Ugh, one of these days. I just started back at the gym again. thats work too I suppose, but it releases a lot of tension, and I have a fair amount of that, so its like medication. My gym partner is my best friend, so it works out. Like the fuckin big brother I never had. He'd tell you the same. ;) Although sometimes I feel like Im his big brother. what is a big brother anyway? when I think of a big brother I just think of someone that you look to for advice when shyt gets whack. Someone thats got your back through thick and thin, no matter what, and I think we both have that in each other so its whatever. We have our beefs er'once in a while and dont talk for a week or 3, ut thats healthy sometimes too. Everyone needs a break. Shyts always the same when we back around each other. Aiight, enough about that Bitch... Ive been through a lot of shyt in my life, but I have always pulled through someway somehow. That which does not kill me can only make me stronger. I have a problem with keeping my mouth shut. Not in regards to holding secrets cause lets face it, Im holding about a million of those for a half million people that I will take to the grave. Nah, Im talking about sayin exactly whats on my mind. A lot of folks cant handle that. Dont count on me to sugar coat shyt. Im not ALWAYS the picture of optimism either so dont ask my opinion if you dont want it. I value friendships. Im not very close with whats left of my family so I hold those that I call friends AS my family. I love my family, but as the saying goes, similarities clash, and well, we're a special breed. I dont let people into my circle that easily, so if youve made it, I see something good in you. That, or you're just Grandfathered in and Im stuck with you. :D Im loyal to all of them. Dont break my trust. Thats one piece of advice to all. Once thats broken it doesnt mend... This is how Im wired~ Im driven. I have a very definitive purpose in my life. I see through bullshyt, including yours. I can usually disect what you're made of in a five minute conversation. I hold my friends close and my enemies closer. I know what youre thinking. I will use your biggest weakness against you if I so decide to. I will use your strengths in a quite similiar manner. There is a fine line between friends and associates and one should never confuse the two. I love challenge. I live to build. Education and the ability to aquire knowledge is key to everything in your world. You dont have to know everything. There is always someone that can fill in the gaps. Strength is knowing your purpose. Im the captain of my own ship. Only I can steer myself the wrong direction, not you. I run my life like a business. If its bad for business, I get rid of it. You CANNOT give yourself to others, until you are happy with yourself. This applies to love as well. I hate violence, but I will fight for what I believe in, those I love, or those that cannot fight for themselves. I despise racism, although Im the first to yell out, "stupid fuckin nigger, spic, chink, towelhead or jew" when someone cuts me off and almost kills me and my passengers in traffic. I guess its ok to me when its in humorous context. The boondocks is the shyt. Fuck you, you know you do it too. I love all people. I love culture and the differences within each one. I believe in God, but find myself to be more spiritual than religeous. I have no fear of death, just the fear of not being finished when my day comes. I fear Nuclear Bombs. Ill get over it eventually. I have little respect for those that have a gift and shyt it away. All of my role models have come from the gutter. None of them remained there. I do not regard anyone as successful that is born into money, or has had it handed to them. Success is starting with zero and reaching the sky. Starting handicapped, knowing your purpose in life and having the drive to make your vision reality....contactTable .text, .contactTable a, .contactTable img {filter:none!important

My Interests

First and foremost, getting this fucking house finished... Thats the foundation of all that is still wrong in my life. I love Drum & Bass, Hip hop, Jazz, Rock, Alternative shyt, Reggae and Ive been listening to a lot of that meditating native wind shyt that they play on XM Audio Visions. I love going to the gym although I have other priorities right now and cant find the time. Excuses excuses... UPDATE: I go to the gym again. I love my job. I look forward to traveling again as soon as this house is done. Reading Writing Learning. Photography. Im tryin to get a portfolio together, and I need a better camera. I'd like to do it on a larger scale. People seem to like my work, so why not, as long as it stays a hobby and doesnt become a job. People tend to lose their passion for their art when it becomes an obligation. Coffee and coffee shops. Walking through the city and finding the hidden shop youve passed a thousand times. Art. Reconnecting with people that I have lost touch with in all the madness of the last 2 years and finding that inner peace thing I keep hearing so much about. Thats about it at this point. Im busy. Too busy. Im interested in being less busy, or maybe just a different kind of busy...

I'd like to meet:

Men on stilts with spackling knives, a dude with a reliable table saw, a bathroom installer that does tile as well, and Gandolfini...


~TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The wheeling-and-dealing you do goes well. You realize that the exchange of money is simply an exchange of energy. It's your feelings about it that give it real power."If thats not fucking music I dont know what is!"


The Sopranos was the greatest series ever. Its over now. thats very sad. Being a Baltimore native places The Wire at a close second for me and I cant wait till season 5 kicks off. Thats our city. Non dramatized. We need a better police force. Our mayor thinks everyone needs a hug and trash is the biggest issue in the city. A good cleanup would never hurt anybody, hell, Im down to sweep the gutters up. But there definately are more pressing issues. News, Discovery, History, and given my current project, fucking HGTV...


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, I lucifer by Glen Duncan...


Kylee, Chrisy, Dad, Mommom, Miss Pam, Gandolfini

My Blog


I used to come home and Id take what I refered to as an afternoon nap. Now I seemingly lay down to recieve, if you will, messages. Dreams are funny little things. Not as vivid as a message and definat...
Posted by Christopher on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 03:34:00 PST

From Father to Father...

This isnt one of my carefully constructed ones. Im gonna be as short and to the point as possible. When I was out in Utah doing the R3K thing, I had this friend. Dudes name was Andy. We had this...
Posted by Christopher on Mon, 28 May 2007 03:54:00 PST

Recap of 06'

January 6th, left SLC. Hardest decision I have ever had to make. I had to leave my daughter there. Said Id never do it, but it happened. Still hasnt settled and Im sure it wont till I am with her agai...
Posted by Christopher on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 11:48:00 PST

Ideal Life Cycle....

I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first.  Just start out dead and get it out of the way. Then you wake up in an old age home and you are feeling better everyday. You get kic...
Posted by Christopher on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 01:05:00 PST

Being a daddy......

I think back to being the age that my daughter is now (yeah I remember it) and I remember my father. Some of my favorite memories of my dad was Saturday mornings. It consisted of me watching cartoons ...
Posted by Christopher on Sat, 29 Oct 2005 12:22:00 PST

Apparently i got drunk last night......

SO my boy J is in town. What to do in SLC? DRANK! Friend dont let friends drive drunk, so this fucker says lets pay a driver. so we payed a driver. That was nice cuz downtown parking sucks COCK anyway...
Posted by Christopher on Sat, 10 Sep 2005 12:51:00 PST