I love gardening and playing in the dirt. I am crafty, and am always creating something. I love a good book, fishing, and Lake Michigan.
Any new friends, like-minded people with similar intrests, anybody from the area I grew up (Honor, Beulah, Michigan). Fellow beaders!
I really like most all of it, except rap. My favorite band of all time is the old Bad Company. I love a good classical number, crank up the radio and really feel it. It's all good...
Favorite movie of all time I'd have to say is The Color Purple. I cry at the ending every time. Celie!!!!!!!
Hmmmm, is there anything good on tv anymore? Don't think so.
Too many to list.
My kids, who keep me happy and make me crazy. My son Kyle, who has type 1 diabetes, and is brave enough to poke his fingers at least 5 times a day, and gives himself at least 4 shots a day. What a tough guy!! My beautiful girls, who each are leaving their mark on the world in their own way.