i am really interested in the weather and how it works unfortuanly i dont think i am smart enough to do it as a career, but most science intersts me.and music. i also considered teaching as a career because i love children
America's youth may say, "What can we do--where can we go?" A well-known Judge said: "go home - hang the storm windows, paint the woodwork, rake the lawn, shovel the walk, wash the car, learn to cook, scrub some floors, get a job, visit the sick and lonely. Your parents do not owe you entertainment, and your city does not owe you a living. You owe the world something. You owe it your time and energy and your talents." Get out of your dream world --develop a backbone, not a wishbone. Freedom is an achievement.
i love all sorts of music, it's one of my main interest and unfortuanly i am not musically talented, but i do love to lissten to all musivc genres i love really old stuff from the 60'-80's i also like a few 20's stuff but mostly i listen to rock alternative i listen to a little rap but not much and a little country but not much the only music i dont like is bluegrass
i love comedys especially anything with will ferrell, i like some scary movies and very few romantics
scrubs is the best tv show ever created, i also like mind of mencia,reba,medium,law and order svu and ci,and heroes