})i({Barbara})i({ profile picture


we have fetal movement ladies and gentleman

About Me

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My Interests

i am really interested in the weather and how it works unfortuanly i dont think i am smart enough to do it as a career, but most science intersts me.and music. i also considered teaching as a career because i love children

I'd like to meet:

America's youth may say, "What can we do--where can we go?" A well-known Judge said: "go home - hang the storm windows, paint the woodwork, rake the lawn, shovel the walk, wash the car, learn to cook, scrub some floors, get a job, visit the sick and lonely. Your parents do not owe you entertainment, and your city does not owe you a living. You owe the world something. You owe it your time and energy and your talents." Get out of your dream world --develop a backbone, not a wishbone. Freedom is an achievement.


i love all sorts of music, it's one of my main interest and unfortuanly i am not musically talented, but i do love to lissten to all musivc genres i love really old stuff from the 60'-80's i also like a few 20's stuff but mostly i listen to rock alternative i listen to a little rap but not much and a little country but not much the only music i dont like is bluegrass


i love comedys especially anything with will ferrell, i like some scary movies and very few romantics


scrubs is the best tv show ever created, i also like mind of mencia,reba,medium,law and order svu and ci,and heroes

My Blog

gender identification

i find out what i am having on thursday june 14, and a video and pictures of the ultrasound will be made also. i cant wait!!!!!
Posted by })i({Barbara})i({ on Wed, 23 May 2007 08:45:00 PST

120 things about me

..> 120 THINGS ABOUT ME ...      (001) Your gender: female      (002) Straight/gay/bi?: straight      (003) Single?: ...
Posted by })i({Barbara})i({ on Sun, 20 May 2007 08:52:00 PST

Yay i'm preggo

well i am 14 weeks pregnant, and i felt the baby move for the first time on saturday morning, it was really wierd, i hvae already heard the heart beat and i saw the heart on sonogram, when we were loo...
Posted by })i({Barbara})i({ on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:57:00 PST

a day on the river

i spent my day on the saint johns river in jacksonville florida  and although i am burnt i had alot of fun and got some great photos  have a look  this is the dames point bridge it is ...
Posted by })i({Barbara})i({ on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 11:59:00 PST