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I am here for Friends

About Me

chaos engine

My Interests

travel, Lindsey, grilled cheese, the sun, fractals, elephants, pinkberry, back-rubs, good jams, my family, impossible objects, grammar, barbeque sauce, puzzles, visible stars, xenophilia, never knowing where I live, fireworks, dancing, wikipedia, spreading myself too thin, school, Las Vegas, mandalas, phonographs, red wine, floss, homemade gifts, cannabis sativa, astrology, repeating nines, funfetti, getting to know myself, magnetic energy, photographs, not being cold while still being cool.


Arrested Development

My Blog

Consider this the next time you turn on VH1

" Our history will be what we make it. And if there are any historians about fifty or a hundred years from now... they will there find recorded in black and white, or color, evidence of decadence, esc...
Posted by JILLIAN on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 01:46:00 PST

we couldn't appreciate this in '99

"If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable th...
Posted by JILLIAN on Wed, 09 May 2007 02:50:00 PST


it's always funny to look at old pictures of yourself and see just how much you've changed over the years. or in my case, not at all...     hahaha. it's good being home....
Posted by JILLIAN on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 11:37:00 PST

In Loving Memory.

We get to sit on the rings of Saturn with old friends and family and talk about whatever.. but the best part is, that there is not time, and as such you never feel rushed. You never get bored. You nev...
Posted by JILLIAN on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 03:23:00 PST