you know...stuff How do you try to improve your physical well being without become a conceded narcissist?Since misery loves company, that is why it is possible to find happiness in slavery.
Myself after having a near life experience. Chuck Palahniuk and those that inspired him to create his body of work. Banksy...If you don't know him, are we even friends?
Clear Channel has been destroying the music industry.I buy my music from the record natzi hipster who pays you no respect because your knowledge of obscure music is inferior in comparison to his. The conformist top 40 money hungry cunts get their shit pirated because I don't want to admit to myself that I like the catchy shit.
I love having reality suspended for an hour and a half to three hours. Tragedies are the best things, they call them Dramas at your local video rental store. There is nothing better than watching a cinematic reenactment of your own sad pathetic life.
The idiot box is a great way to further your parasocial interaction.
People might think more of me if i input anything in this section
The general public. If it wasn't for the general public's ability to allow their lives to be governed off of fear based politics and the media's agenda setting ability I wouldn't be gainfully employed making just enough money to keep me at the poverty level.