Well, where do I begin?!
I am currently studying Innovative Product Design (or IPD) at Dundee Uni, which is alright. Just thought I'd point out I am in fourth year, seeming as certain people (that's you, Michelle and Megan!) don't seem to know that. (Unfortunately, as well as doing cool design stuff, we have to do boring-ass engineering. But we let the time pass by ripping all the engineering lecturers behind their backs. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha! Including the hilariously named mechanical engineers Willy Fiddler . . . i kid you not.
In my spare time I like to do pointless things on my computer, including HTML, Flash (very basic), plus I use Photshop and Illustrator which is fun.
I can't be arsed writing anything else so goodbye.
I'll probably update it another time
Y'all come back now
Mac Rules!
Cool. I just found the Spider-Man trailer/segment that was cut because of 9/11