HURDLES! track and field, track and field, track and field!!!!! modeling, laughing, watchin movies, chillin and relaxin as much as possible, meeting new people, stimulating conversations....i dunno a bunch of other stuff......
i would love to meet everyone foreal...but i love funny people! i love to laugh and to have fun. i love athletes since i am one.....but some regular people are cool as hell. so anyone can really hit me up. i am very friendly! %D%A%Dut i will only accept people i know or people that send me messages tellin me who they are. i have an overload of "friends" on myspace that i do not know...and its annoying. oh yeah, im not on here trying to meet men and hook up! im on here to keep up with friends be it old or new and to network.%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A
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i love all music. it just depends on what mood im in. when im gettin ready to run, it's all down south stuff but i love my slow jams when im chillin. i love experiencing things so all music is cool to me. well i dont like that heavy metal stuff where them crazy ass people be screamin and yellin into the mic! it scares me!
all MTV reality shows....a bunch of other stuff....
MY MOTHER AND SISTER! they are the 2 strongest women i have ever encountered!