Tidus (Chris) profile picture

Tidus (Chris)

My profile page won't crash your Web browser. ;)

About Me

For starters, I'm 29. I'm also half white and half hispanic, as my mom was born in Lima, Peru. I love hanging out and chillin' with friends anywhere, going to clubs and movies, listening to upbeat music, drinking with friends late at night, and playing Dance Dance Revolution or In the Groove to keep myself in shape. Those games are something that virtually everyone should try. Other than that, I'm a cosplayer... and I'd love to meet fellow cosplayers here on MySpace. That's all for now, I guess. ^^

My Interests

Dancing, clubbing, martial arts (I have a second degree black belt in a Korean one named Kung Jung Mu Sul), Web stuff, anime, bemani (stuff like Dance Dance Revolution and In the Groove), drinking, meeting new people... that's all for now.

I'd like to meet:

If you're respectful of other people's feelings, I'd love to meet you.


Drum 'n bass, breakbeats, trance, techno, dance, club, house... bring it. My old roommate spins, so my taste is a bit refined. :)


Serenity, The Princess Bride, Braveheart, Heat, Traffic, Gladiator, Clerks (actually, anything by View Askew), Troy, and most any anime.


Firefly!! The Daily Show (woo Jon Stewart makes me want to be a better person), Drawn Together, South Park, Teen Titans, old and new Star Trek (yeah, yeah... go ahead and give me shit), most any anime... especially Cowboy Bebop and the rest of Adult Swim.


The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King, Lioness Rampant by Tamora Pierce, The Tangle Box by Terry Brooks


Martin Luther King, Jr. was a man that I'd be honored and blessed to meet. You know why.

My Blog

Great ways to annoy me on MySpace

Hi. Sorry that this is my second blog post AND my second rant, but ah well. If you want me to remove you from my list of friends on MySpace, here's what you should do... 1. Post a bulletin with t...
Posted by Tidus (Chris) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My honest feelings about MySpace... and yes, it's a rant. My apologies if you're offended.

I just posted this as a bulletin, but I decided that it should be in my blog as well. My apologies in advance, especially if I offend any of you with this... but I'd just like to rant about some of y...
Posted by Tidus (Chris) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST