Comics, sci-fi, fantasy, Amigas, cartoons, anime, action figures, oldschool video games, cats, fruit, trees, grass, water...
Classical, modern-orchestral, techno-instrumental, synth-rock, the classics.
Star Wars, Back to the Future, The Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Spider-Man, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, The Dark Crystal, The Labyrinth, Galaxy Quest, The Fifth Element, Willow, Superman the Movie, Batman Begins, Ah! My Goddess, Terminator, Aliens, X-Men, Stardust and lots more.
Arrested Development, Farscape, Firefly, Red Dwarf, Doctor Who, Arrested Development, Babylon 5, Stargate SG-1, Star Trek, Seinfeld, The Family Guy, Arrested Development, Futurama, The Simpsons, X-Files, Star Trek, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Robot Chicken, Arrested Development, Arrested Development, The IT Crowd, Heroes, Lost, Classic Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Arrested Development, Green Wing.
Comics: Red Sonja, Street Fighter, Green Lantern, Superman, Supergirl, Supergirl and the Legion of Super-heroes, Teen Titans, Star Wars and heaps more! Magazines: Retro Gamer, Stickypoint, G, Heavy Metal, and heaps more.
Cammy from Street Fighter, Supergirl and the Green Lanterns from DC Comics, Captain America (R.I.P) from Marvel Comics, Hellboy from Dark Horse Comics, Luna from Harry Potter, Superfrog, Whizz, Brian the Lion, and Zool from my Amiga games.