~ MoRe aBouT Me ~
What your birthdate means for your life.
What your birthdate means for your life.
music, books, nature - tripping, volunteering
People who are true to themselves; honest and God - loving. Someone who has a good sense of humor. Smart and who can always talk about anything under the sun, in any circumstances!
acoustic, RnB, light rock and a lot of POP!i HaVe a CoMPLeTe CoLLeCTioN oF WeSTLiFe CD'S - FRoM THeiR DeBuT aLBuM aND i'Ve GoT THe LaTeST oNe. aND VCD'S Too. NoT oNLY THaT, i aLSo HaVe CD'S of aRTiSTS WHo SoMeHoW aRe MY MuSiCaL iNFLueNCeS. FRoM THe LiKeS oF BeaTLeS, BeeGeeS, BaRRY MaNiLoW, aiR SuPPLY, BoYZ 2 MeN, uSHeR, CRaiG DaViD...i eVeN GoT MYSeLF a GReGoRiaN CD. i LiKe THeiR VeRSioN oF THe SoNG MY iMMoRTaL [aN oRiGiNaL BY eVaNeSCeNCe]...i'Ve GoNe aLTeRNaTiVe Too! i HaVe HiGH BY STePHeN SPeaKS PLaYeD oN MY iPoD...THeRe'S HeRe WiTHouT You [3 DooRS DoWN], You & Me [LiFeHouSe]...MaTCHBoX 20 iS aN aDDiTioN...CeLiNe DioN iS a GReaT SiNGeR. i aDMiRe WHiTNeY HouSToN THaT i GoT MYSeLF a SPeCiaL eDiTioN DouBLe-DiSC aLBuM. SaY, WHaT aBouT eLToN JoHN? He HaS HiS oWN SHaRe oF MuSiCaL iNFLueNCe oN Me. SKYLiNe PiGeoN iS THe FiRST SoNG eVeR i WaS aBLe To PLaY oN GuiTaR!aND iF MY LiFe WeRe a MoViE, You'D Be HeaRiNG "i LoVe You, GooDBYe" FoR THe SouNDTRaCK. aT a LaTeR PaRT, CLoSe [WeSTLiFe] WiLL Be PLaYeD iN iT'S eNTiReTY...WHeW! MY LiFe...THaNK You FoR THe MuSiC!
Entrapment, Mission Impossible, StarWars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Spiderman, X-Men, Mr. & Mrs. Smith; i think Titanic would make it on my list...tragic, yet there is so much substance when it comes to love...i recently watched The Da Vinci Code with my friends, i think Superman can be added to this list. Though, in essence, the movie doesn't have much to watch for...tsk..tsk..tsk...but it would really make a child's day.
Survivor, Alias, CSI, 7th_Heaven, Fear Factor, 24, UnderCover..Amazing Race is just amazing! Tom & Jerry Kids - it's very hilarious!!! i can't get enough of the show. i love watching it with my lil cousins. and that would make the oldest of them all! Ha ha ha!!!
books by Stephen King, John Grisham...i've read this book by David Pelzer, it's called A Child Called 'IT'. it's one of the three books written by him. i recently finished a book by Paolo Coelho, it's called The Alchemist.