Midnight shepherdess profile picture

Midnight shepherdess

Though I can not die for my nation and my people I can live to make this nation a place worthy of th

About Me

I'm a mom,
a republican,
southern baptist
all American
mixed heritage woman.
I've got a mommies figure
and a twisted sense of humor.
That's me,
you'll get over it.
I clean and cook to music
heck I do everything possible to music
even if I'm only singing random meaninglessness
all by myself.

My Interests

fooling the world into believing I am more than
a figment of thier collective imaginations lol.
my Lord,
my kids,
my country,
my friends
my music
my books

I'd like to meet:

A woman who doesn't make me want to scream and shake them lol. A man who can keep up with me lol. The impossible.TOP FRIENDS THIS WEEK : People i'd love to have dinner with!


I love music, lots of kinds lots of different composers and musicians not fond of rap or heavy metal. Some of my top 100 are
Anything by Andrew Loyd Webber,
Tony Giordano,
Reberta Flack,
Grechin Wilson ,
Bonnie Tyler,


I watch classic fantasy like Legend,
The Dark Crystal,
The Princess Bride,
and Labyrinth.
I love FF4
The Hulk
and Spiderman
all the classic super heroes.
Waiting on them to do Wonder Woman.
I also enjoy a good scare gets my heart pumping
but my favorite is action adventure movies
with a touch of mystery.
Not big on comedies but I can enjoy a good romance.
Two of my all time favorites are Brigadoon and The Quiet Man. If you've seen them then you know why I love them so much.


I watch Highlander,
all the law and orders,
Diagnosis Murder,
Murder She Wrote,
cartoons like scoobie doo,
Martin Mystery,
ohh heck I've watched them all atleast once.
I love the cooking channels Racheal Ray,
Alton Brown
and Paula Dean.
And I watch How It's Made
and Mythbusters as often as i can.
I do have kids and they aren't interested in how a super conductor is used lol. Or if it is possible for a sledge hammer dropped below a falling man can break the surface tension of water enough to save his life.


I looked out over scorched land
And saw nothing.
Desolation. Destruction.
A lack of life and a lack of will.
It had been trampled by the flames
By that moving wall of heat...
Of boiling chaos.
It had been all wiped away.
Every hope. Every dream.
Every desire. Every idea.
There was nothing there on that land.
For I was barren. I was empty, just...
I felt life beneath the surface,
But I didn't know how to reach it.
I felt strength within the earth
But could not harness it.
Till I saw the Phoenix.
It was black, like that of ash,
But it's eyes glowed with fire.
They glowed with passion, with thunder
For it was a force to be reckoned with.
I saw it afar off, and felt...
I felt like...I needed it.
That it had something for me
Something that it would lend or give
Something that could renew me...
All at once I was there, before it
Reaching toward it, because...
Because, God, it was so beautiful to me
And I had to touch it, I had to...touch..it
Wrap my finger within it's feathers and
Put my arms around it's being.
Scorched! Heat! Fire, and flame!
It hit me like lightning!
But it didn't fell me...it didn't topple me
Not ME, oh no! Instead...
It intralled me...it inspired me
It became a focal point for...me...
It became something precious.
Something special.
Something wonderful.
It reminded me that people were worth
More than they seemed sometimes.
That love was not a lost cause.
That giving was a treasure in itself.
And that the heart is the strongest...
And most vunerable part...
Of the body.
It gave to me of itself while it's flames
Gave to everyone and everything else.
It's fire burned and life was given
It's wings spread and people just stopped and said...
"Oh my God...will you look at that?"
I remember seeing it. I remember that.
I remember watching it burn out completely
Time and time again
Burn itself out in fury! In anger!
Only to rise again. Better. Stronger.
I remember loving it for what it was.
And I found that as long as I held to it
Even if only by a feather...
It's fire helped me to...remember...me.
What a wonderous being, that Phoenix.
--M. Anthony(a dear old friend of mine wrote this for me I'm so honored)I love to read, don't read much as of late because of the mommy status I hold.


My Blog

Ok Play time is oer folks

Shows over time to go.  You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.  We're done.  We have talked and decided that enough is enough.  No more battles insults flaming or any o...
Posted by Midnight shepherdess on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 04:59:00 PST

My divorce

Tonight I was going to give in to the pressure and post in a public blog as leon has done.  Mine was to be about why i want this divorce to happen.  But I've changed my mind.  I don't w...
Posted by Midnight shepherdess on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 08:45:00 PST

I turned aside

     When some one i loved was hurting beside the path of my life I've turned aside.  When love called I answered.  Is there anger in my heart yes, is there pain yes, can I ha...
Posted by Midnight shepherdess on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 07:12:00 PST


The chink in my armor.  The achilies heel of my strength and the weakness of my hearts resolve.  You know who you are.  Please don't hate me I know what my actions are doing I know well...
Posted by Midnight shepherdess on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 01:44:00 PST

Hard choices

     Some times we end up looking at life and begging for mercy.  wishing upon a star we didn't have to make the choice we're faced with.  It's one of those things we never re...
Posted by Midnight shepherdess on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 01:37:00 PST

Intropective diary moment

Some times I sit here and look at the faces of those who have touched my life and moved on.  I don't think they realize just how valued that touch was to me and still is.  There are some I f...
Posted by Midnight shepherdess on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 03:44:00 PST


 This is my child not far from me now.  A fever has laid her low today.  A beautiful little girl I held her beneath my heart the day we were attacked.      &nbs...
Posted by Midnight shepherdess on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 08:07:00 PST

Bill of NON-Rights

The following has been attributed to State Representative Mitchell Kaye from GA.  "We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of...
Posted by Midnight shepherdess on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 06:48:00 PST

8 random facts about me

I was tagged by Los to blog 8 random facts about me.  I here by tag...Erica, Leah, and anyone else who bothers to read my blog1. I like eating Mruchan Instant Lunch for breakfast 2 I own 5 black ...
Posted by Midnight shepherdess on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 06:27:00 PST

The war in Iraq, a rant by a crazy american Woman

Reasons to go to war yeah we had them.  Some sick SOB got a bunch of guys to kidnap four planes full of transcontinental passengers and fly them into structures full of hard working americans and...
Posted by Midnight shepherdess on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 06:30:00 PST