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Mr. Wes

lets get it

About Me

originally from chattown tn,I know reside in northern florida. I help my father out with the khhs girls basketball team When i can. I care about my friends deeply. I am in love with a remarkable lady named Leah b. vanzant, No relation to the country artists. We have been friends for 2 years and been together 1year and two months. Yes I do plan on marrying here. I love the lord, and know all things can be done through him.I hope to coach my own team one day. Struggling with what I want to do with my life career wise, but who doesnt. If you want to know more.......ask?

My Interests

outdoors- hiking, basketball, football, soccer-. hanging with friends, interest in riding horse, just about anything that is fun. MOVIES cant get enough since i live in a small town..

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Michael Jordan, John Wooden, Alyssa MIlano, Josh Turner, well u aswell..
Everyone Must See This! - video powered by Metacafe


R & B- oldies and contemporary, alternative rock, rock, jazz, a little classical, I cant stand most country music. 80's and 90's. a little 70's. Regga! But know I mostly listen to country and gospel.


"300", crank, ong-bak, v for vendetta, invincible, etc. way to many to write down!


Family Guy! not to much into shows.


Mostly related to sports and devotionals. But have read a few fiction/non fiction books.


my friends, family, those who fight to protect our nation! I know that sounds cleshay, but if it wasnt for most of them i would'nt be here. My lord jesus christ

My Blog


How does a person learn how to take it slow when they have never done it before? I mean you know the setup, you meet someone new or someone that you know. You start to hangout. Yall are having f...
Posted by Mr. Wes on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 09:45:00 PST

at peace

i just wanted to say that lately, and i know we all go through this...i have been depressed, lonely, felt worthless, and that my life is going no where.... and even though these are things that a pers...
Posted by Mr. Wes on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 10:15:00 PST


lets see what to i want to talk about! Well at the moment i have a very serious sun burn going on that just wont seem to quit hurting ummm,,,,,I had an interesting talk the other night with a couple o...
Posted by Mr. Wes on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 11:16:00 PST