Who's Your TV Family?
My Result: The Keatons
What would we do, baby, without us? Cue the oil painting credits sequence — your family is most like The Keatons. Hippie idealists with a healthy dash of conservatism (in the form of Michael J. Fox...), Steven, Elyse, Alex, Mallory, Jennifer, and even little Andrew are your family's TV soulmates. You don't by any chance have a weird next door neighbor named Skippy, do you? Nah... But that doesn't matter. Your family is still a lot like the Keatons in the ways that really matter. Sure, you have your disagreements (remember how much Steven and Elyse hated Mallory's monosyllabic boyfriend Nick at first?), but you get over them and ultimately find your Family Ties closer than ever because of them. You're not exactly traditional, but you've got love and understanding to spare. So whip up something to eat (be sure to throw in some granola), and plan a family dinner already! Sha la la laa...
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I love R&B && Rap! Heart,, Fleetwood Mac(theyre awesome..shut up!),,LiL WayNE,,Lyfe Jennings,,Lil Boosie,,Akon,,Beyonce,,Tamia,,JAGGED EDGE,,Avant,,Eminem,,Young Joc,,Mary J. Blidge,,Tank,,Bobby Valentino,,Chris Brown,,Omarion,,Snoop,,Pretty Ricky,, And lotz more......Dude I love the Insane Clown Posse..dunno wat their category is but theyre fricken awesome!!!!!Then I like some weird style music like Dido & Norah Jones...Oh so Bluesy!
STARDUST is super! lol... and I love scary movies! like Disturbia or the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. August Rush was amazing!!!!
The Brain Test
My Result: Right-brained
Most right-brained people like you are flexible in many realms of their lives. Whether picking up on the nuances of musical concerto, appreciating the subtle details in a work of art, or seeing the world from a different perspective, right-brained people are creative, imaginative, and attuned to their surroundings.
People probably see your thinking process as boundless, and that might translate to your physical surroundings as well. Some people think of you as messier than others. It's not that you're disorganized, it's just that you might use different systems to organize (by theme, by subject, by color). Straight alphabetization and rigidly ordered folders are not typical of right-brained behavior.
You are also more intuitive than many. When it comes to reading literature, you probably prefer creative writing or fiction over nonfiction. And when it comes to doing math, you might find you enjoy geometry more than other forms like algebra.
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Could You Solve Crimes?
My Result: have what it takes because you Have a Sharp Mind
There's no doubt about it: A quick-thinking person like you leaves no stone unturned and wastes no time solving any mystery that comes your way. Whether you're finding the fastest route to work, spotting online scams, or thinking up the perfect plan to escape a bad date, when it comes to using your noggin, you're definitely in first place.
Of course you aren't just book smart. You're also streetwise and savvy, especially when it comes to the things that are most important to you. With that deadly combo of creativity and logic, your brains are the only muscle you'll ever need when tackling even the biggest of problems. Just don't let all that talent go to your head!
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Palm Reading Test
My Result: Exploring your psychic ability
The signs we read in people's palms indicate they have much to gain by getting familiar with their paranormal gifts. By putting directed energy toward their ability to think outside the physical realm, their efforts will be returned multi-fold.
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What's Your Sense of Humor?
My Result: Dark Humor
There are some things some people don't even talk about. But you somehow manage to make jokes about them. Your humor type is dark and you never met a topic that was too sacred. It's not that you're twisted (well, maybe a little); you just believe that laughter is the universal healer. There's always room to lighten the mood.
From broken hearts to broken limbs to death itself, you are willing to go where few others dare to venture. Whether you're watching Evil Dead 2 for the 58th time or whipping out another one of your morgue jokes, it's always refreshing for others to catch a glimpse through your cracked lens.
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How Bright Is Your Aura?
My Result: Green
People who have Green as their brightest color of their aura generally have a lot of confidence in themselves and their ideas. Their ideal jobs might be ones that allow them to take intuitive leaps, so that they can use their best judgment on a regular basis.
In their love lives, they're likely very sensitive to their partners and the status of the relationship. Things rarely come up as a complete surprise to them, as they've often sensed them ahead of time.
They have a deep trust in themselves and their ability to gauge situations. Others likely share this trust in their take on situations, and people's faith in them enhances their good feelings about themselves. Their intuition, when put to proper use, can also help them stay clear of dangerous and unhealthy situations.
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You're a Empowerment!
The Dream Interpretation Test
Brought to you by Tickle
You're a Abstract Reasoning!
What's Your True Talent?
Brought to you by Tickle
Tickle's Original Inkblot Test
My Result: Sexuality
The world is a sexy place for you — your erotic self leads the way. Whether this is because you're presently in a great physical relationship or simply want one, you are much more aware of the sexual undertones in situations than most people.
This heightened focus, coupled with your vivid imagination, can make you more likely to have original — at times risqué — interpretations of things that other people might see as innocuous.
Your subconscious is telling you that you are very much alive, and have a great deal of passion to bring to life.
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I love murder mysteries! One of my favorite books is AND THEN SHE WAS GONE by Susan McBride. Another is UNWILLING ACCOMPLICE by Babrara Sarenella
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