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Interests? Family, friends, movies, pretty boys, music, making out and or fooling around with afformentioned pretty boys, driving around aimlessly, vodka, The Yanks, my TV, Idol, Dr.Pepper, sleeping, dreaming (the figurative kind), crushing on actors like a 12 year old.....
MySpace Ticker Lyrics
Dave Matthews, Jet, The Beatles, Green Day, Usher, Matchbox 20, John Mayer, The Temptations, Sam Cooke, Janis Joplin, Stones, Van Morrison, Cat Stevens, Simon and Garfunkel, John Denver, Pretty much any singer/songwriter from the 70's, The Bee Gees,Aerosmith, Tool, Harry Connick, Kanye West, Elvis, Motown, Donovan, Anything from the 50's and 60's, Poets and Pornstars,Mike Buble, Beyonce, Gwen Stefani, Justin Timberlake,Akon, T-Pain, The Strokes, The Killers, Lil Wayne, Heart, The Fray, A little bit of country and Kevin Federline!! (I have to clarify that I'm super kidding about Kevin Federline)
Brokeback Mountain, The Aviator, The Warriors (CAN YOU DIG IT??) Apollo 13, Field of Dreams, Back to the Future 1&2, Robin Hood, The Usual Suspects, The Departed, Friday Night Lights, Lord of the Rings 1,2 &3, Star Wars 1-6, Forrest Gump, Alive, Meet The Parents, Hard Day's Night, It's a Wonderful Life, The Godfather, Godfather 2, Dahmer, Chopper, The Sandlot, Anchorman, Bill and Ted 1&2,American Psycho, Spiderman 1&2, Terminator 2, Goodfellas, Shattered Glass, Clay Pigeons, Batman Begins, Wedding Crashers (hilarious), Team America (maybe the funniest movie of all time),Superman Returns, Blood Diamond, Just Friends, Zodiac, Hairspray, Ironman, (more to come).....
American Idol (just go ahead and inject it right into my veins) Heroes (clearly the greatest show of all time), Dexter(Best show on TV. Period.), Entourage(ARi Gold is my dark master), Flight of the Conchords (funniest show in history), The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, The X-Files, Sex and The City, Space Above and Beyond, The Simpsons, Cheers, Family Guy, SNL,America's Next Top Model, Seinfeld, Golden Girls (i'm serious), Beavis and Butthead.. Quantum Leap, Anything on Comedy Central, SportsCenter, and Basebaaaaaalll. ..
Alive, Ball Four, Friday Night Lights, All Quiet on the Western Front, Little Women, Into Thin Air, The Life You Imagine (Derek Jeter's bio. kids should read it in a textbook.)..
My Brother, Mom and Dad. And of course, Peter Petrelli.