Current affairs, celebrity/movie gossip, foreign languages, travel
Cool people, male or female who enjoy drinking beer and talking. Those with subtitle-phobia need not apply!
Surveys I Took
50 short questions
(Take Surverys)
You Are Oscar the Grouch
Grumpy and grouchy, you aren't just pessimistic. You revel in your pessimism.
You are usually feeling: Unhappy. Unless it's rainy outside, and even then you know the foul weather won't last.
You are famous for: Being mean yet loveable. And you hate the loveable part.
How you life your life: As a slob. But it's not repelling as many people as you'd like!
The Sesame Street Personality Quiz
You are a Brainy Girl!
Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books.
You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more.
For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests.
A awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either!
What Kind of Girl Are You?
Hard-fi, Turin Brakes, Maximo Park, Tracy Bonham & Goldfrapp. Of course that's just what I'm into at the moment. I also love soul/jazz, rock and some classical too
Asian, French and Italian cinema. Will watch most things but no chick flicks please!...I admit to being a movie freak who goes at LEAST twice a month. Life is not worth living without cinema!
The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy
In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh.
You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum.
Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho
If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?
Mostly current affairs. Love Deadwood and am a fan of the recently departed Six Feet Under. Also like football and darts and some home and self improvement shows.
Bit grown up now but love J.K Rowling and also recently discovered Agatha Christie. Bios and factual too, but very into foreign languages and cooking
Vincent D'onofrio, Reese Witherspoon, Jeri Ryan and Ann Maurice