♥*Takyia*♥*Monique*♥ profile picture


God put you on this Earth for me & noone else!

About Me

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Basics about you*
Name :: Takyia
Age :: 19
Birthday :: Sepetember 21st
Birthplace :: DMH
Location :: Decatur
Hair color :: Dark brown
Eye color :: Brown
Glasses/ Contacts :: Neitha
Piercings :: 4
Tattoos :: Notta
Pets :: Notta
Siblings :: 1
Boyfriend?: Yep
Girlfriend?: Hell naw
If so...*
Name :: Josh R.
Age :: 19
Howd you meet :: Skool
Taller or shorter? :: Very taller
Hair color :: Black
Eyes :: Brown
Drew you to him/her :: Smile
Been together for how long :: 11 months
First kiss :: Cant remember
Sex? :: NEXT!!!...lol
If not...*
Crush? :: Does not apply..lol
Name ::
How long ::
Howd you meet ::
He/she like you? ::
Any chances between you two ::
Taller or shorter ::
Hair color ::
Eyes ::
This or that*
Chocolate/ Vanilla :: Chocolate
Dog/ Cat :: Dog
Love/ lust :: LOVE!!!
Movie/ TV show :: T.V. show
Hugs/ Kisses :: Depends
Winter/ Summer :: Fall
Hot/ Cold: Warm
Asleep/ Awake :: Asleep
Night/ Day :: Day
Rings/ Roses :: RINGS!!
Pool/ Beach :: Beach
Movie :: Baby Boy
Song :: I have a lot
Actor :: Don't know
Actress :: Don't know
Food :: I got a lot of favorites
Dessert :: Apple pie
Ice cream flavor :: Butter pecan
Lip gloss flavor :: lol...um...strawberry?
Store :: Wally World
Singer :: Fantasia
Band :: Jagged Edge
Animal :: Dog
TV show :: Don't have 1 I gotta c wat I love New York is gon b on
Last time you..*
Talked on the fone :: 25 mins. ago
Talked .. :: A while ago
Went to the beach :: Never
Went in the pool :: Loooonggg time ago
Cried :: Earlier...:(
Showered :: Earlier
Last person you...*
Talked to on the fone :: Brittany W.
Talked to .. :: Timery
Hugged :: Josh
Kissed :: Josh
Hung out with :: Brittney L.
Almost done*
Like the quiz?: It was ok
All done =)

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My Interests

My BoYfRiEnD
LeTs BegIn. . . .
WhAts THis GuYS NAmE?: Joshua Robinson
HoW OlD IS He?: 19
WhEn IS HiS BdAy?: August 20th
HorOsCoPe SigN?: Leo
How TaLL iS He?: 6'6
Is ThaT TalLEr ThAN U?: VeRy MuCh So!!
OkaY Now hIs aPPeAraNcE
HaIr CoLor?: BlAcK
EyeS?: DaRk BrOwN
GlaSSEs/COntAcTS?: NeItHeR
SkIn. DarK Or LIGhT?: LiGhT
SkInnY, AveragE, MuscuLAr, BiG?: SkInNy
AbS?: NoNe
DreSs sTyLe?: He LoOkS GoOd In WaTeVa He WeArS
PeIrCiNGs?: YeS
If So How MAnY?: TwO
TaTTs?: NoNe
If SO How MAny?: NoNe
OKaY NExT sEt. . .
WheRe dId U meeT HIm?: EiSeNhOwEr HiGh
HoW loNg aGo?: 9 MoNtHs AgO
Are U In Love?: U AlrEaDy KnO
Wut BouT HIM?: I BeLiEvE So
WuT iS oNE thIng ThaT IS on hiS bODy ThaT mAkes Him DiffereNT and U lOve?: JuS HiM In AlL
HaVE U n HiM . . . MaDe LOve?: MmM.... We'Ll GeT BaK 2 DaT A LiL LaTa
FuNNy?: AlWaYz
Nice?: YeP
RoMAntIc?: SuMtIMeS
OutGoiNG?: NoT ReAlLy
StaY at HoMe Guy?: HELL YEA!!!!!!
LaSt BuT DefF. Not LEaSt
Do U KNow If he IS the One?: I CoUld LoOk No FuRtHeR
Do U taLK AbOUT tHE fUTuRe?: AlL ThE TiMe
WoUlD U do AnyTHinG foR HIm?: MoStLy AnYtHiNg
If HE waS fAr WoUlD U waIt?: DePeNdS
WouLD He?: DePeNdS
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