ღ~Tiffany~ღ profile picture


~~ Don't compromise yourself. You're all you've got.♥

About Me

♥TiFFerZ*♦*SPace♥♥ABOut::.~*^*~.: :ME♠ ♥.::.TiffaNY.:*:.Tifferz.::. ♣Thats cool Get @ Me Then! Myspace Layouts and SO much more from WhateverLife.com! ♥

My Interests

The HOly word(biBlE)& ME
Cool Slideshows
His Name?: CAsey
Pet NAme?: My CaySkii Boo
His Age?: *20*
His Birthday?: MAy 20
Eye Color?: SeXXii Brown brown
HAir Color?: Black
Abs?: Yup
Skin Tone?: Him Sooo Light LOL
Is he taller Than You?: Of Course
Do You Love him?: Yes I do
Does He Love You?: him Love his Tiffers
When did you meet him?: in Jr high
Did You ask him out?: Nope
Sweet?: To Me
Romantic?: Yup
Shy?: Not wit Me
Outgoing?: yup
Loving?: YesS
Abusive?: Hecky No
Stay at hOme Guy?: With Me of course!
Do You Think he is the one?: Sure DO
Does he Feel The Same?: Of Course
Do you plan on gettin married?: Ummm not Today But One Day!
if so when?: When we are done wit school
How old will you be?: 25/26
How old will he be?: 27/28
Do you get along with his parents?: Yeah
Do you get along with his siblings?: Yeah
How often Do You See him?: EveryDay HuNNii
How Often does he call?: When he wakes up etc..
How often does he call you?: i call him too Like we talk all Day
his fav Color?: Blue
his fav Food?: piZza
Dress Style?: My SexXii Lil Thug
shoe size?: 11
Last but not least
if you got pregnant would he stick around?: i would Hope so!
if you lost an arm would he still be there?: yeah he aint wit me for Muh arm Man!
if he went awy would you wait for him to come back?: Sure
would you do the saMe?: Of Course
are you... IN LOVe?: Very MucH sOOO
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I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ♥SurVey::.~*^*~.::Question♠ ♥.:Whatcha:.WAnnna:.Know.::♣
[Marital Status] TaKEn:FAVORITES
[Color] OraNGe
[Number] 2
[Animal] PantTher
[Drinks] MinuTe Maid Berry Punch ALl DAy!
[Soda] Dr.PePper
[Book] Nervous
[Flower] TuLip
[Color your hair?] Streak It Out
[Twirl your hair?] Yup
[Have tattoos?] NAw
[Have Piercings?] Yup
[Cheat on tests/homework?] i Have
[Drink/Smoke?] No Way Jose
[Like roller coasters?] Yup
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] Naw I'm Coo
[Want more piercings?] Naw
[Like cleaning?] When im In the MooD
[Write in cursive or print?] Print
[Own a web cam?] I'll Pass On the Cyber Freaks
[Know how to drive?] Yup
[Own a cell phone?] Yup
[Ever get off the damn computer?] Naw not 4real
[Been in a fist fight?] Yup
[Considered a life of crime?] Naw
[Considered being a hooker?] Naw
[Lied to someone?] Yup :(
[Been in love?] Yes :) Love You BOO!
[Made out with JUST a friend?] Yeah
[Been in lust?] Yeah
&..39;[Used someone] ' Who hasn't
[Been used?] I'm SurE
[Been cheated on?] Yup :(
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] Prolly I dOnt remeMber if i did tho
[Stolen anything?] Lipgloss
[Held a gun] yup
[Current clothing] Sweater And Jeans
[Current mood] LovED
[Current taste] SweEtTartS

[What you currently smell like] Baby Phat GoDdEss
[Current hair] Wrap It Up
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Research Paper :(
[Current cd in stereo] BeyonCe
[Last book you read] Why Sleeping Dogs Lie
[Last movie you saw] ATL
[Last thing you ate] SweetTArtS
[Last person you talked to on the phone] My CAySkii Boo!
[Do drugs?] Naw
[Believe there is life on other planets?] i Aint worried About Them cuz the aint worried about me!
Remember your first love?] Yup
[Still love him/her?] yeah Thats My guy
[Read the newspaper?] Sometimes
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Not That i Know of But I wonder about a elect FEw
[Believe in miracles?] BleSSingS
[Do well in school?] Of Course
[Wear hats] CaySkii's
[Hate yourself?] Naw
[Have an obsession?] Nope
[Collect anything?] MoneY
[Have a best friend?] Yup TyNeria HuNNii
[Close friends?] Yup
[Like your handwriting?] Its Iight
[Care about looks] Of Course
[First crush] AML
[First kiss] AML
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] Naw
[Do you believe in "the one?"] I Got EM
[Are you a tease?] Yeah
[Too shy to make the first move?] Of Course
[Daydreamer] Yup in Class
[Bitch/Asshole] Naw
[sarcastic] Yup
[Angel] Yup
[Devil] Naw
[Shy] At Times
[Talkative] Oh Yeah



Cool Slideshows


poetic justice,BabY BoY, Finding Nemo, Lion King, & AkeeLah And The Bee!

Take My Quiz
From QuizYourProfile.com
WhAt Is MY MiDdle NamE?

A) NiCole
B) MicHelle
C) JuaNice

Who Is My BoyFriend?... Wit his FiNE TAil LOL!!!

A) MariO
B) CAsey
C) cHarlEs

Who Is My bestfriend?

A) Therese
B) Shanika
C) Tyneria

How Old Am I?

A) 18
B) 19
C) 29

Make a Quiz for Your Profile!






Jesus Christ
Tis forTender
Iis forIrresistible
Fis forFashionable
Fis forFlavorful
Eis forExquisite
Ris forRadical
Zis forZealous What Does Your Name Mean?

My Blog

Why You Still FAkin & Frontin????[thats whats ^]

Its Seems To Be Alot Of Talk About Fake Ones .... They Doings And Where abouts but if you are the one talkin make sure you true to yaself! And if you in something you aint got no business in [What Do ...
Posted by ::.I DoN't MinD Cuz He's Mine.:: on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 08:59:00 PST

dONT dO mE!!!! do yoU!!!!!

mE IS mE hE iS hE I DEfINE me & nOT DOES  hE sO pLEAsE bELIEVE tHS iS mE!!! sHORT & sWEET>> pLAIN & sIMPLE i pUT iT oN YALL liKE... Rip VanwRInkLE!!!!!!
Posted by ::.I DoN't MinD Cuz He's Mine.:: on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 02:24:00 PST


Hey Yall Leave A BLog Comment About One Great MemoRy We Had ToGetHer Doesn't Matter How Old it Was Or Even If It Was YesterDaY! Don't Send A Message Or Post it On My Page. Leave A Blog Comment About S...
Posted by ::.I DoN't MinD Cuz He's Mine.:: on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 10:59:00 PST