BJ profile picture


This just in...God doesn't care about football.

About Me

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I'm 28 years old, and have a beautiful wife (Carrie) and two beautiful daughters (Laine- 7 and Gracie- 3.) I have a big slobbery bitch of a dog (Blue- 4 yr old 180 lb Saint Bernard - the only motherfucker that farts more than I do.) I live and breathe art and hope to someday strictly do what I love for a living, the way I want to do it...Click here to get your own Unique Contact Box - Over 1670 to choose from

My Interests

Art, tattooing, Photoshop, sculpting with clay, spending time with my wife and kids, pissing off the general population.

I'd like to meet:

Other artists... Hey if you are an artist and are on myspace, I hope you have heard of Its basically myspace for artists but has been around longer (I think) and is a great way to display your works and get feedback. Check it out- my page is


Absolutely everything...example: The follwing CDs are in my car right now- Kool Keith, Outkast, Killswitch Engage, Johnny Cash, Prince, Keith Urban, Slipknot, Blackflag, Social Distortion, Between the Buried and Me, David Allan Coe, The Supersuckers, The Reverend Horton Heat... SEE- I told you...EVERYTHING!


Lots and lots of porn.


Too damn much...too damn much.


Where the Wild Thing Are, any and all Shel Siverstein, Jumanji, lots of coffee table books- any thing Disney or art related, Coop collections (he is the shit)... I know- really high brow, intellectual stuff; hunh?

My Blog

The Mothman Prophecies and Point Pleasant, WV

So, Carrie had meetings over in Charleston, WV earlier this week.  Its about a five hour drive so I took a few days off work to drive over with her.  Figured I could go shopping and see the ...
Posted by BJ on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 09:23:00 PST

New Children's Book and Website Finished!

Hey guys and gals.  As you can see,  lately I've been slacking in the myspace blog department- but tis not in vain!  I have been hard at work finishing my first children's boo...
Posted by BJ on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 09:29:00 PST - observations

So, its been a few weeks since Neil turned me on to this site and have got to say its been a lot of fun.  For all of you not in the loop, here's the deal-  People send in friends/relatives/v...
Posted by BJ on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:10:00 PST

Long time no blog...

    So I just realized I get on myspace just to waste time if ever even get on at all anymore.  My last blog was from December of 2004- long fucking time ago.  Finally go...
Posted by BJ on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 09:17:00 PST

DJ from Full House is a fucking Jesus whore...

Well, I'm sittin with Laine and Grace one day watching Full House on Nickelodeon and begin to wonder what Stephanie (Jodi Sweetin) is up to now. B-Horror movies? Porn? Who the fuck knows. Anyways, I...
Posted by BJ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST Courtesy of Dave Young

Just wanted to post the address to this "musician's" site that good ole Dave told me about. This guy is the most awful fucking piece of shit I have ever heard. Ever. You have to check it out though...
Posted by BJ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The McRib is back! Oh wait, its not...

If you are like me, once or twice a year you get to look forward to that juicy morsel McDonald's calls the McRib. Oh the sweet barbecue sauce dripping down my chin as I bite into that piece of "meat"...
Posted by BJ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST