A lot of people have come to ask me about my designs and my architectural work. It just so happens that one of my renderings for my last project was recently accepted inside the galleries of one of the software manufactures I currently use. To get there you need to go tohttp://www.flamingo3d.com/then Click "Gallery".............then Click "Architecture"..............."Flight Education Center" should be in the middle of the group.........Check it outo yeah if you dont believe that is my work, click my name, and you can email me - I will just reply back from that email for you haters out there. ( Sorry about not having just a simple link, for some reason it doesn't go right to my page.)
"she is NOT a professed beauty; she is NOT a professed genius, she is NOT a professed philosopher, she is NOT a professed anything....She is, from nature - woman, gentle, feeling, animated, modest. - She is, by education, elegant, informed, enlightened. - She is, from religion, pious, humble, candid, charitable." ---More
Okay I deleted my old list because it was getting kind of long, so I am going to update "Books" on a Month to Month basis. October and November Books - "Event Cities 3", "New Museums", "Tschumi", "Zaha Hadid", "Mario Botta", and "MAK"
like life itself architecture is built upon things that we know, and things that we have to search for. Moving between the particular and the global, between clarity and confusion, problems are defined by actions, which give value to solutions. This paradoxical nature of design recognizes that architecture is at once a discipline of dreams and realities, consolations and conflicts, which constitute not a problem of architecture but a strength...Burnner and Smith