+::::juliane::::+ profile picture



About Me


My Interests

SOMEONE DIGGING IN THE GROUND----an eye is meant to see things. - the soul is here for it's own joy. - a head has one use: for loving a true love. - legs: to run after. - love is for vanishing into the sky. the mind, - for learning what men have done and tried to do. - mysteries are not to be solved. - the eye goes blind, - when it only wants to see WHY. - a lover is only accused for something. - but when he finds his true love, whatever was lost - in the looking comes back completely changed. - on the way to mecca, many dangers: thieves, - the blowing sand, only camel's milk to drink - still each pilgrim kisses the black stone there - with pure longing, feeling in the surface - the taste of the lips he wants. - this talk is like stamping new coins, they pile up, - while the real work is done outside - by someone digging in the ground.----RUMI

I'd like to meet:

creative, artistic and wild people full of love***angels on spaceships***dolphins and whales***healing forces***anyone who is nice, intelligent, creative***




beatstreet*star wars*star trek:first contact*the hitchhiker`s guide to the galaxy*the chronicles of narnia*blade*bram stoker's dracula*brown sugar*hitch*crossing the bridge (a documentary about music culture in istanbul by turkish-german director fatih akin)*pirates of the caribean*lord of the rings*peter pan*mary poppins*e.t.*men in black I&II*..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Things You Actually Really Want to Know About Me
basic info
name: juliane gabriela alice
what do people call you?: juliane
birthday: 2.3.1981
current location: berlin
height: 168 cm
eye color: very blue
hair color: redbrown
righty or lefty?: right
a few questions
do you believe in god?: funny question
do you have a religion?: love
do you speak another language?: my humor
do you live in the moment?: as there is nothing else ...i do my best
do consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes, too tolerant in some ways
are you confident?: yes and no sometimes
are you a daredevil?: i was a bit
what is the compliment you get from most people?: "sweet" is very popular
what do you like the most about your body?: the fact that i have one
do you think you are good looking?: i look how i look and that is perfect and beautiful
do have any bad habits?: nothing scary
what's your biggest fear?: rejection
do play an instrument?: my voice
can you sing?: yes ,but i need to practice as well
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: more trust and confidence in my reality
what is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: you can find love in every situation and it is what it is and that i have a great family
do you think life has been good so far?: yes,powerful
is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: ----
do you believe in love at first sight?: yep
do you kiss on first date?: if it is a good date
do you have sex on first date?: let me fall in love first
color: all clear colors from soft to powerful (and sparkling!!)
number: all---anything that brings balance into my "twoishness"
food: anything healthy,tasty,good for me food
drink: water and tea and coffee
alcoholic drink: naw...alcohol isnt that cool with me, though i like cocktails in tase
country: maybe the states one day
animal: lions and all other cats,dolphins,whales,birds,RAINBOWDRAGONS
season: not too hot please...i looooove snow,it is music, it is silence, it is grace, it is peace, it is fun, it makes me happy
day of the week: mostly the days i dont have to work
name: the names of GOD
have you ever...
been arrested?: not really
kissed someone of the same sex?: yes
done something you regret?: ---
smiled for no reason?: there is always a reason,this is the new world rising how can i not smile?
laughed so hard you cried?: of course
sang to someone for no reason?: kind of
talked to someone you don’t know?: doing it every day at work
been in love?: oh yes
broken the law?: yes
been in a car accident?: no
run into a wall?: spiritually
made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: probably
cried over a movie?: but yes
been so drunk that you cant remember?: one time
stayed home from school?: many times
been out of state?: out of germany
in the opposite sex
hair color: dont care
eye color: beautiful
height: big soul
body type: healthy and in good shape
short or long hair?: just let it look good
tattoos/piercings?: if it looks good, it's welcome
hot or cute?: both
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...next time i'm gonna take the wave--- Incubus - The Warmth (Acoustic Live)

Zu meinem Profil hinzufügen | Mehr VideosErykah Badu - On & On
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CALVIN&HOBBES*the hitchhiker`s guide to the galaxy (douglas adams)*the ancient wisdom on the flower of life (drunvalo melchizedek)*the four agreements (don miguel ruiz)*eva luna (isabel allende)*the da vinci code (dan brown)*invokationen (ma'al)*of spirit and water (malidoma patrice some)*malcolm x (autobiography/ alex haley)*poetry by rumi*all about make-up (kevin aucoin)*neverending story/momo (michael ende)*der weisse neger wumbaba(axel hacke)*die 13. prophezeihung(valentine ermatinger)*salz im haar(avi)....


my guides and angelsSTOP pushing.Stop interacting.---STOP pulling things into balance for they will only fall back out again.---Stop trying to make everything work.---Allow.All is ready.All is at hand.---Forces against change are larger than your conscious mind can even begin to comprehend.---STOP and just be still within yourself.---You are the power behind the power.You are the power within the power. You are the power that is before the power. You are the power that controls the power.You are the Divine Power that is the I AM.BE all that you are.---Be who you have been prepared to BE.---STOP looking outside yourself for others to accept you. Accept yourself and your own Divinity. All is in Divine Order.All is in its time.All is in balance.---Resistance to this and to everything outside yourself and your control is futile.---STOP and see the irony taking place before your eyes.---The forces of change are ripping you apart so that new creation can occur both within yourself and in sacred relationship. This is not a game but could be fun.Step outside and laugh at the human folly you have each thus far created.---Laugh at yourself. Laugh at each other. Laugh at the past. Laugh your way into the future.---SO IT IS.---Magdalene

My Blog

testdrive of love

sooooo:::can i be with u openfreein loveintimacycan utouch my heart and take care of my mindplease caress my soul and i'llfollow u blindinto the ocean of loveis there anything else but trustin ur arms...
Posted by +::::juliane::::+ on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 02:49:00 PST

Decorate Your Own Soul

Decorate Your Own SoulAfter a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul. And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't mean security. And you ...
Posted by +::::juliane::::+ on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 03:11:00 PST


don't make me say anythingforanything i could tell u would only make it worselet mehear your voice insteadlet mebe in ur arms tonightwhen i wish to see ulet me open my heart to explore infinite joy wi...
Posted by +::::juliane::::+ on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 01:30:00 PST


crushwill we be stillin silence, sweetto mistakes and love andneedsto take care of one anothertoucha silent momentthe loudest crushi've ever hadon youwas me***...
Posted by +::::juliane::::+ on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 06:00:00 PST

something on soulmates

> Soul Mates by Ken Page and Nancy Nester What does Love have to do with our life experiences? How manydefinitions of the word 'Love' are there? What about 6.5 billiondifferent ideas, different opin...
Posted by +::::juliane::::+ on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 01:42:00 PST

dancing along

life is a mystic gatheringwherelight and shadow can walkhand in hand for a whilebeing onedancing alongthrough many of GOD'S worldsinnocence is their glowand love will keep them strongif everything bre...
Posted by +::::juliane::::+ on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 03:10:00 PST

Boriska, the boy from mars

Boriska, the Boy From Marshttp://english.pravda.ru/science/19/94/377/12257_Martian .htmlfrom Pravda by Gennady Belimov NGNSometimes, some children are born with quite fascinating talents, unusual abili...
Posted by +::::juliane::::+ on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 10:56:00 PST

make sure you get this one

The revolution will not be televised. It will be published.-Hirochima(www.myspace.com/this_womanswork)
Posted by +::::juliane::::+ on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 02:44:00 PST


...just in case you forgot.
Posted by +::::juliane::::+ on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 09:54:00 PST

AYO--(you make me feel like) a natural woman

Get this video and more at MySpace.com...
Posted by +::::juliane::::+ on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 04:34:00 PST