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About Me

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My Interests

music, my band the superblondes are performing in a showcase at the cobden club on the 15th of november, go to for more info xx

I'd like to meet:

Contact Tables

I'd like to meet Christina Aguilera and watch her sing, get a few tips that sort of thing umm but on a day to day level i like meeting anyone interesting with a bit of a story to tell.


I like all different types of music from opera to pop and even some drum and bass oldskool. But you can listen to me singing with my band 'THE SUPERBLONDES' at or go to my number one contact.


I'm a big film lover and go to the cinema at least once evry other week. The saw set of films are wicked but i need a cuddle to watch them, Donnie Darko, Moulin Rouge and anything tpo make me giggle, to be honest i even like a good Disney classic every once in a while. but my band just featured in 'Best of Enimies a documentary about the world of the british gangster, should be going to Caen film festival red carpet affair, you no the deal... check the piks from the filming out in my superblonde album


Big brother but it'll be the death of me i'll watch the same episode twice and even when i'm alone i'll anaylse all the housemates out loud, yes the shame of it. But to redeem myself i do watch alot of other televison not relating to bigbrother, mostly documentarys or the music channel. x factor is also a great watch Leona rocked the casbar last year... what a voice


im affraid i dont get to read too much but read memoirs of a geisha and cried was beautiful. Also in the middle of The Di vinchi code but been in the middle of it for months. . . actually not sure i still no were it is!


any one that had a dream and made it happenThe Superblondes are all superheros, check us out at