Glittery texts by
Greatest Myspace Survey
About You...
Age 20
Birthplace Kingston, Jamaica
Current Location Brentwood, MD
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Height 5..'8
Heritage Jamaican
Your fears Dying, Rejection
Your weakness GIRLS
Goal for today Focus on my music(ALL DAY EVERYDAY)
Goal for this year Stay out of trouble and make moves with my music
Lifetime goal To be successful
When do you want to get married? late 20..'s-early 30..'s
and to whom? My babez
Ever been in love? Yea
Currently in love? Yea
Do you think you are attractive? Yup
Your best physical feature My face and my body
Have you ever...
eaten Sushi... Nope
gone skinny dipping... Neva
been beaten up... Um...maybe in a different way lol
wanted to kill someone... naw i wanted som1 dead
gone a week without MySpace... i think only once
gone a week without TV... hell naw
Who's the last person to...
kiss you... my baby cousin(not like dat)
say hi to you... My friend..'s mother
talk to you... My friend..'s mother
What's the last...
Time you cried? Dont remember
Book you've read? The bible
Store you've been in? 7 Eleven
Can you...
Dance? yup sure can
Speak a differenty language? patio (jamaican)
Cook? somewhat
Write w/ both hands? Nope jus my right hand
Whistle? yea but not real loud
Finish the line...
If I had a... more studio time
I would rip da booth
So I can prove to these niggas that im nice!!!
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